ThinkGeek Mega Man Hoodie: Blue Bomber Jacket

ThinkGeek teams up with Capcom once again to throw Mega Man fans a bone in the form of an officially licensed hoodie. The hood has helmet details sewn on, while the left arm sleeve has the Mega Blaster’s lights printed on it. The hoodie’s zipper is an E-tank and the hood’s lining is printed with 8-bit Mega Man drawings.

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I think Punk Drunkers’ take on this is a lot cooler, but this one is more affordable. Pre-order it from ThinkGeek for $60 (USD).

[via Fashionably Geek]

Wearable Mega Man Helmet: Armor Upgrade

Thanks to Capcom you won’t have to sneak into Storm Eagle’s stage to upgrade your headgear. Its upcoming life-size Mega Man helmet is made of ABS plastic, has light up parts and has a “unique clamshell hinge” that lets the front and back halves split open to make the helmet easier to wear.

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The helmet will be available for a limited time from Capcom’s online store. Keep an eye on the official Capcom blog for updates. First we got Mega Man’s arm, and now his helmet. It’s like Capcom kidnapped the Blue Bomber and is still waiting for the ransom.

[via Engadget]

Mega Man Mega Buster Replica: Start Charging Your Bank Account

Capcom already sells a plush replica of Mega Man’s Mega Buster. But if you want something more interactive, watch out for ThinkGeek’s officially licensed Mega Buster replica. You can wear it and trigger light effects as well as the blaster sound effects from the NES games.

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The replica will have a trigger inside. Give it a quick pull and it will “fire” a normal shot. Hold the trigger down and the power meter lights will fill up, and you’ll hear the charging sound effect as well as the charged shot sound effect when you release the trigger.

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Don’t worry lefties, ThinkGeek assures us that the replica is “ambi-blaster-ous” i.e. it will fit with either hand. The real question here is what “authentic Mega Man armor” even means.

The Mega Buster replica won’t be available until 12/15, but I wouldn’t be surprised if pre-orders begin way before that. Be sure to leave your email address on ThinkGeek if you want to find out when pre-orders begin.

[via Coolest Gadgets]

Mega Man Robotic Armed Masters T-shirt: Get Wily

XD Threads remixed the album cover from Daft Punk’s latest album Random Access Memories to create this t-shirt design featuring Proto Man and his harder, better, faster and stronger descendant Mega Man.

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Cut it, Guts it, Ice it, Bomb it, Fire it, Elec, Time and Oil it.

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Wood it, Crash it, Flash it, Heat it, Air it, Metal, Bubble, Wily.

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Reploidlogic. You can pre-order the t-shirt from Shark Robot for $18-$37 (USD) depending on the size and style of the shirt.

[via Gamefreaks]

Mega Man Mega Buster & Helmet Plushies: Arm & Head Upgrade

I’m sure Mega Man fans already know – and pre-ordered – about the old school Mega Man statue that Capcom unveiled for the Blue Bomber’s 25th anniversary. But if you’d rather be Mega Man, go grab Capcom Japan’s limited edition Mega Buster and Helmet set.

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Not only are both items wearable, they’re super soft too. You can morph into Sleep Man just by closing your eyes and resting your head on the most huggable arm cannon ever made.

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Turn into Pre-order Man and head to Capcom Japan’s online store, where you can get the set for ¥6,090 (~$61 USD). Don’t live in Japan? Try White Rabbit Express and see if they can help you out.

[via ThisIsWhyImBroke]