Parts of Me are Awesome T-Shirt

I am a huge fan of both LEGO toys and Star Wars. That makes this the perfect shirt for me. It has C-3PO on the front and he is cut in half.

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Not because the terrible Sand People got hands on him and tore him apart. He is in two pieces because 3PO on this shirt is a LEGO minifig. It’s awesome and perfect for back-to-school or casual Friday at work.

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The shirt is available from ThinkGeek for $19.99(USD), which isn’t much to ask for something so cool. You can get it all the way up to 3X.

Japanese Stormtrooper Hawaiian Shirt Can’t Hit the Hamper

Hawaiian shirts are a staple for guys with questionable taste in clothing. With summer here, that means more and more folks will be pulling this type of shirt out of the closet and going on vacation. If you feel obliged to wear a Hawaiian shirt, at least make it a cool one.

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This is a Japanese-inspired Stormtrooper Hawaiian shirt. In addition to the obvious stormtrooper print, the buttons have Imperial logos on them. It’s made out of lightweight fabric so it should be cool.

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This is the coolest geek shirt you can get hands on this summer, and you can get yours at ThinkGeek for $19.99(USD).

The only problem I foresee is that the shirt will never hit the laundry hamper when you throw it.

Hulkbuster Blueprint Shirt Should Be a Redprint

One of the coolest parts of Age of Ultron is when Iron Man faces off against the Hulk in his Hulkbuster armor. It’s sort of like an Iron Man suit for Iron Man. ThinkGeek has a new shirt that celebrates all the Hulk busting awesomeness.

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Clearly, Iron Man expected to have to put the smack down on the Hulk at some point since the suit of armor was ready and in orbit. It even has replaceable parts that fly out when needed.

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The only problem I see with the shirt is that it is blue, shouldn’t anything Iron Man related be red? Color aside, this is an awesome shirt to add to your geeky wardrobe. You can get the shirt for $19.99 at ThinkGeek.

Star Wars Schematics Hawaiian Shirt Is Geeky on More Than One Level

Sometimes we have stuff to talk about that is sort of like Inception – something wrapped in something similar to itself. This Hawaiian shirt is a perfect example. You have to be a geek to wear a Hawaiian shirt to begin with, or at least over the age of 55. So the guy in the shirt is Geekception layer number one.

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On top of that, this shirt has a Star Wars print making up Geekception layer number two. On close inspection, you will find schematics of AT-ATs, Walkers, and TIE Fighters with tags pointing out their parts. The shirt even has Imperial logo buttons.

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It’s perfect for the summer pool party you have no intention of swimming at. You can pick one up for $49.99(USD) at ThinkGeek.

Chewie Polo Shirt Lets You Adhere to Dress Code While Flying Your Geek Flag

My day job boss is what I like to call a real bosshole. He makes me wear slacks and a polo shirt with a collar while he shows up in jeans or cargo pants and t-shirts. I think it’s his sick way of showing who has all the power. If you have to wear shirts with collars, but want to do so under protest, this is the shirt for you.

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From a distance, it looks all business casual with a collar and buttons. Up close, it has a small embroidered patch of Chewbacca. It doesn’t look like the giant, rip-your-arms-out-of-their-sockets Chewie, though. The patch on the shirt looks like the love child of Chewie and a Ewok. Still, it’s a cool shirt and you can pick one up at ThinkGeek for $29.99(USD).

This Pocket Cat T-shirt Has a Nasty Surprise

Ahhh. Look at the cute cat in that pocket. Then you lower the pocket down and are like WTF?!? That cat that looked so adorable is a nasty feline.

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The joke is partly on him/her because aside from tricking you by giving you the finger, that cat is fatter than it looks. This fun shirt will surprise everyone! It is at once cute and nasty with it’s secret hidden message. This fun shirt was designed by Ripndip. They should be called Catnflip as in a cat just flipped you off.
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The company makes skateboarding apparel that has this mischievous cat mascot named Lord Nermal. I love him, but I hate him. So I guess it works.

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[via boredpanda via Likecool]

Kiss Me I’m Elvish Shirt Prevents St. Paddy’s Day Pinches

I was walking through the store with my daughter over the weekend and she went neigh hysterical when we passed a green shirt. I simply had to buy it because if I didn’t she would get pinched at school on “Irish Day” and if I didn’t buy it that means I wanted her to get pinched and hated her. Naturally, I gave in and bought the shirt, and then reminded her it was called St. Patrick’s Day. Irish Day is basically any day with beer.

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Her subtle reminder that getting pinched sucks resonated with me. If you don’t want to get pinched or have someone at home you don’t hate, you need to buy them this shirt. It’s green and that’s all that really matters when it comes to not getting pinched on St. Patrick’s Day.

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The fact that it says “Kiss Me I’m Elvish” is icing on the geeky cake. You can pick it up for $19.99(USD) at ThinkGeek or drop $30 on other clothing from the store and get it free while supplies last. If you don’t buy this for someone you love, thereby preventing pinches, it basically means you hate them.

Han To-Do List T-Shirt Smuggles Your Guns

We all have to make to-do lists at some point. These lists typically grow once you get married to track all the things your wife wants done that you never intend to do. Not that I know anything about that. Even Han Solo has a to-do list.

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ThinkGeek has put it on this brown shirt and it is the pinnacle of geeky clothing for Star Wars fans. The shirt shows Han leaning like a Solo (see what I did there) with a hand holding a to-do list.

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There are no mundane items like Buy Chewie a Flea Collar to be found. This list is all business. It simply reads “Get Millennium Falcon, Kill Greedo, Kiss Princess, Blow up Death Star, Get Paid!” Now just add it to your to-do list to buy this shirt over at ThinkGeek.

Thou Shalt Bring us a Shrubbery T-Shirt

One of my all time favorite movies is the Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Growing up, we had a very early pay TV service that played one or two movies per month between 7 and 10pm each night and for a month straight all they seemed to play was that film.

I could quote Python from a very early age and used it to enrage my brother. My parents hated it. In two terrible British accents I would say “There’s he is!”, “What, behind the rabbit?!?!” “It IS the rabbit!” One of my favorite parts of the movie is the Knights Who say Ni.

Should you ever run across the knights and need some tips on exactly what constitutes a quite nice shrubbery, the Haynes manual is what you need. Granted this isn’t an actual manual, it’s more a shirt with a picture of the manual.

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Still, you could always just buy the shirt and take a different road on your quest for the cup. You can buy one at ThinkGeek for $19.99(USD).

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