We Are All Screwed: Spider Robot with Snakes for Legs

I think we all know who is responsible for ushering in the apocalypse. It’s those scientists at Carnegie Mellon’s Biorobotics Lab. Not content with snake-bots alone, they have now attached some modified snake-bots to a body to create a hexapod spider bot of doom.

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Things just got more terrifying on planet Earth. No wonder the guy in the video keeps kicking it. He helped create it and even he’s all like, “Get the hell away from me you mutant freak!”

What’s next for these guys? I have no idea, but it will probably escape from the lab and start leaving a trail of bodies in it’s wake.

[via C|Net via io9 via Geekologie]

Snake Bite Foiled by Stormtrooper Armor

I never really understood the point of Stormtrooper armor. Blasters go right though the stuff, making it useless except for looking cool. A geek named Scott Loxley has been walking across Australia wearing his Stormtrooper armor and recently that armor might have saved his life.

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Loxley says that he was walking down a road and though he saw a dead snake on the side of the road. When he walked up to it, the snake stuck at his legs and bit him on the shins. The man thinks it was a deadly King Brown snake.

Luckily, for him the snake didn’t bite though the armor and he lived to tell the tale. On the other hand, had the snake whipped out a blaster, he would definitely be dead right now.

[via Kotaku]

Reese’s Pieces Snake Cake Looks Deadly Delicious

Like Indiana Jones, I hate snakes, but I would gladly let this snake cake slither onto the dessert table, as it is covered with delicious Reese’s Pieces.

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It’s too bad all snakes don’t have a tasty Reese’s Pieces outer layer, because if they did I would follow them around all day, waiting for them to shed their skin.

This cake was made by the uncle of redditor Dookalignmike. It took him six hours to make it, but likely took only minutes to eat. It’s supposed to be a coral snake. It’s not poisonous, unless you have a peanut allergy, of course.

[via Daily of the Day via Neatorama]

26-Pound Gummy Python: Snakes. Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?

This is the dark and ridiculous side of the candy world. Yes, this massive 26 pound gummy python will squeeze you from the inside out, assuming you can get enough of it in your belly to do so.

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This $150 candy snake contains over 36,000 calories and is 8-feet-long. Is it food or is it art? I have no idea, but I wouldn’t try to swallow it all in one bite. It has some really nice details, like intricate eyes, blended coloring, ridged coils, and thousands of individually carved scales.

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It is so detailed that I’m just hoping I don’t find a half digested gummy-rat in it’s belly.

Cobra Head Snakeskin Boots: Snakes. Why Did It Have to Be Snakes?

These boots are made from snakeskin. Not only that, but they also have actual cobra heads on the tips. They’re the perfect shoes for Cobra Commander or for an Indiana Jones villain. This is probably the one thing that would make Indy soil himself and run off into the night, never to return again.

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Sadly, we don’t have any other info about these. We just know that they are amazing and scary as hell. They would probably cost you a fortune too, if you could buy them.

The only person who could really get away with wearing these is Clint Eastwood. Maybe Chuck Norris too. Not you and me.

[via Schlecky Silberstein via Incredible Things]

Snake eating croc shocks eyewitnesses in Australia

Queensland, the second largest state in Australia, is home to some of the world's most dangerous snakes. At Lake Moondarra on Sunday, a 10-foot python was spotted coiling itself around a smaller...