Hoverboard Sitting Attachment Creates a Hover Kart

You know those newfangled hoverboards that are prone to explode and are really not that great anyway? Looks like people are just getting started making stupid accessories for them. Take, for example this hoverboard sitting attachment that lets you ride across the beach sitting on your lawn chair throne like redneck royalty.

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As they show on their webpage this amazing invention is versatile since you can attach a cooler and sit on it, clip an umbrella on the back of your chair, pull heavy bags or boxes and do other dumbass things on your dumbass moving lawn chair that goes about 2 mph.

It’s basically a frame that attaches to your so-called hoverboard. It will only cost you $69 (USD) but it is sold out sadly. Too bad. The elderly will just have to wait to play slow motion Mario Kart on their low-budget electric wheelchairs.

[via boatstogo]

Pooch Selfie Makes Dogs as Self-Absorbed as Their Masters

The Pooch Selfie is surely one of the signs of the apocalypse. Like the Selfie Spoon, it is a product that shows a society on the decline, and makes me want to run around freaking out, pulling out my hair. Why do YOU have to take selfies every day? Why does YOUR DOG have to do it now? Please make it all stop.

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So basically this thing is an attachment that holds a tennis ball above the camera so that your dog will look at it when you’re taking pictures of them. Naturally, it’s already funded on Kickstarter, as the mere mention of the word “selfie” these days seems to make people whip out their checkbooks.

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You can get one for $13 when they ship this December. Or you could, you know, actually play with your dog instead and make his life even better. Just a thought. Somehow I don’t think this will be the last selfie gadget we see. Though it should be.

[via Geekologie]

The Selfie Spoon: This Really Needs to Stop

Selfies. A vile habit for the vain? Or just a fun way to be forever alone? Maybe both. Selfies jumped the shark a long time ago with such products as the Selfie Stick. Just when you thought the selfie accessories could not get any stranger, along comes the Selfie Spoon.

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You have to eat. And you have to take selfies. Right? Well, now you no longer have to pause your food intake to get that shot. General Mills has invented the Selfie Spoon. That’s right. A spoon with a built-in selfie stick.

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So we can see pictures of you stuffing your face with Captain Crunch and Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Not Fruit Loops, because that’s you if you use this thing. How did you survive without it?

[TIME via VA Viper via Neatorama]

This Guy Got a Tattoo of “The Dress”

I don’t know about you, but I am sick of hearing about “The Dress.” Is it gold and white? Is it black and white? Who cares? Apparently a lot of people. I’m just not one of them. Now someone went and got a tattoo of the dress. Sure. Why not?

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But what color ink is it? I see blue and black. With lots of leg hair, and little redness and swelling. 24-year-old Texas piercer Daniel Howland got this permanently inked onto his body because he thought the meme was “stupid.” Yeah. That makes sense.

It seems like the dress is here to stay. At least for Daniel it is.

[via Buzzfeed via Fashionably Geek]

LEGO Geek Forced to Sell Massive Collection to Avoid Divorce

We like our LEGO around these parts and a new story has surfaced from Sweden that makes our hearts and heads hurt. As the story goes, a LEGO collector is being forced to sell his LEGO collection by his wife. She supposedly told the poor bastard to get rid of his LEGO or she is leaving him.

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Image Credit: Todd Hunter McGaw

I can only imagine she is tired of stepping on bricks in the night and sucking them up in the vacuum. The man has a collection that is so massive he is selling it by the pound. The collection weighs in at over 660 pounds, with over 88 pounds of that being wheels and tires.

He is asking the equivalent of $11,500(USD) for all his bricks. That is one heck of a LEGO collection. The man writes, “You can make a difference! Save my marriage. The old bag said last Friday ‘now get this shit out.’ I don’t know if it was me or the LEGO she was talking about but I think it was the LEGO.”

[via The Local via Gizmodo]

Call of Duty Player Calls Real Life SWAT Team on Other Player

Some Call of Duty players take the game way too seriously. Plus, they are crazy and stupid. One idiot player called a SWAT team on another kid that killed him while playing Call of Duty multiplayer. In this day and age, what with all of the police over-aggression everywhere, that could easily get someone killed. Nice job, fool.

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Police received a call this past Tuesday afternoon from a person who identified himself as Rafael Castillo, a 17-year-old from Long Island, N.Y. “I just killed my mother and I might shoot more people,” the person said, according to police. So some sixty members of law enforcement, including helicopters, and a SWAT team were sent to Castillo’s home, leading to a 90-minute standoff.

When police arrived, they found Castillo’s mother, 54-year-old Maria Castillo, making coffee in the kitchen. Castillo himself was in his room still playing the game with headphones on. Castillo’s mother is now making him hang up his controller and get a job because he plays too much, but it’s the other kid that really deserves severe punishment.

[via Geekologie]

Woman Pays $1,300 for Two iPhones, Gets Two Apples Instead

I don’t know why this keeps happening to people. Maybe because some people just don’t do their research first before handing over their money?

Regardless, this story should be a cautionary tale to most people who buy gadgets from unauthorized and unverified merchants online.

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An Australian woman wanted to buy two (presumably unlocked) iPhones, so instead of going to an Apple store, she went on Gumtree and posted an ad in the classifieds. Another woman answered her ad, and they reached an agreement.

They met at a nearby McDonald’s, where the first woman handed AU$1,500 (~ $1,300 USD) to the seller. The latter, in turn, handed her two iPhone boxes were each supposed to contain one brand-new iPhone. Instead, when the buyer got home and opened the boxes, she found an actual apple inside. As in, the fruit.

Despite her stupidity, I feel bad for her and hope she’ll figure out a way to get her money back. But until then, those two apples are probably the most expensive ones she’s ever bought in her lifetime.

[Herald Sun via C|NET]

Woman Uses Super Glue Instead of Lip Cream, Glues Lips Together

People do some pretty dumb things, but this has to go down as one of the most idiotic moves I’ve heard of in a while. Apparently, a woman in New Zealand mixed up her lip cream with super glue.

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*not the actual woman who did this (image: shutterstock)

The Otago Daily Times reports that a 64-year-old woman felt her lips were chapped in the middle of the night, when she rolled over to grab her lip gloss from the night stand. Instead, she reached for the super glue. Apparently, when she called 911 for help, she couldn’t even open her lips to speak, and managed only to grunt.

Eventually, she made it to the emergency room, where her lips were separated. I still can’t figure out why you’d have super glue on your bedside table, nor why you wouldn’t notice the chemical smell of the glue before applying it to your lips.

[via Dumb as a Blog]

Super Safe-Looking Human Powered Ferris Wheel

Let us (the Internet sometimes being a random rather than efficient engine of discovery), bring you a video from almost 4 years ago, but only now discovered by your faithful editors. It’s a mind-bending clip of a human-powered Ferris wheel in a place that looks like maybe India, although we’re just guessing. We’re particularly fond of the apparent lack of any instinct of self-preservation displayed by some of the fools who hurl themselves into the air in a bid to both propel the wheel and give themselves a bit of an adrenaline rush in the process (we’re looking at you, guy in a white shirt…). Just watch and think about all the lawsuits if this was in the US of A, then giggle a bit. We did.

VIA [ NoPuedoCreer ]

GPS Takes Woman 900 Miles In The Wrong Direction

The woman in question

A 67 year old woman from Belgium drove for two days, and over 900 miles in the wrong direction, ending up in Zagreb, Croatia, before she noticed something was wrong. What’s worse is that her intended destination was only about 90 miles away from her home. Faulty GPS directions, along with a lack of attention, were the culprits.
I was distracted, so I kept driving. I saw all kinds of traffic signs, first in French, then German and finally in Croatian, but I kept driving because I was distracted. Suddenly I appeared in Zagreb and I realized I wasn’t in Belgium anymore.

A lack of common sense as well, we think, might have also played a big part in this. It’s a somewhat timely story, especially in the wake of Apple Maps’ now infamous life-threatening erroneous GPS coordinates, a story which once again adds fuel to the conversation over how much reliance we should place on our electronics. We believe in using… your darn head! However that’s such a subjective and variable skill that it’s hard to know where to draw the line. In the Apple Maps case, where a remote town in Autralia was erroneously located in the middle of a potentially dangerous national park, we felt as though Apple was at fault; after all, how was an unfamiliar traveler to know Mildura (the town in question) was not where the map said it was. However in this case, the woman knew she was supposed to stay in Belgium. Surely someone who was more alert would have noticed they were suddenly in Germany… and then in Austria, before being surprised to find themselves in Croatia!

Regardless of where you stand on where the onus of accuracy falls, it’s good to see these stories pop up now and then, since they serve as reminders that if you do something stupid (like over-rely on your GPS), you might end up plastered all over the Internet in shame.