Top 10 Patriotic Gear for Fourth of July 2017

Fourth of July is still a couple of months away, but as you probably know, summer goes by all too quickly. So prepare to celebrate your independence in advance with this list of amazing patriotic gear. Get ready for fireworks, sunny days at the beach, and a ton of red, white, and blue.

I’m talking so much red, white, and blue that you won’t even be able to handle it. Also, get ready to hear the song “Born in the USA” way too many times. Oh no, it’s stuck in my head already! Make it stop!

Meowica Women’s Tank Top

Show your love of ‘Meowica with this meowica tank top. It’s purrfectly pawfect. Meow meow. I can’t think of any more cat puns, but I’m in love with this tank top!

Popsicle Swimsuit

With summer comes swimming and tanning! Spend those sweltering hot July days at the pool or beach in this patriotic popsicle print swimsuit! While you’re at it, be sure to grab a popsicle, preferably one with red, white, and blue. If it’s not red, white, and blue, are you even American?

American Flag Shorts

I love these fun American flag shorts. The red and white stripes on one side, the stars on the other, it’s a perfectly patriotic combination. I can’t wait to wear these this Fourth of July. They look super comfy too, not too tight, but not too loose either. Just the right amount of room to party on the Fourth in.

American Flag Romper

This is definitely my favorite item on the list! Yeah sure, rompers are kind of inconvenient when you want to go to the bathroom, but they make you look darn cute. I’d love to spend this Fourth of July wearing this adorable American flag romper. (I’ll just go the bathroom before I put it on…the things I’m willing to do for the sake of fashion.)

Popsicle Men’s Shorts

There’s something retro that I love about these popsicle print shorts. Maybe it’s the lightning strikes and little triangles. It screams the 90s, like the Rugrats intro. Ever watch that TV show? It was a huge part of my childhood. Sorry, I’m getting off topic. Anyway, these shorts are rad, dude.

American Flag T-Shirt

What’s more American than an American flag button-up? I’m surprised I haven’t seen every preppy white boy wearing this tee every Fourth of July. I hope it starts trending, like man rompers. Let’s get American Flag t-shirts everywhere. I bet President Trump would love it. It’s gonna be terrific, it’s gonna be yuge.

American Flag Men’s Tank Top

Show off your muscular arms and love of the good ole’ US of A, in this star-spangly tank top. It doesn’t get much more American than flag tank tops. Born in the USA is starting to play, it’s in my head again. Please get it out.

Mullet Eagle T-Shirt

It’s an eagle with a mullet! I love it! And look at that flag sweatband, it’s amazing. If you know me personally, you know I love any clothing item with an animal on it, so I’m totally digging this mullet eagle t-shirt. It’s almost as great as the Meowica tank top.

Beer Me Women’s Tank Top

Americans love drinking, as I imagine most of the world does. The thing about Americans though, is that when they drink, they often overdo it. The Fourth of July is a day rife with drunk Americans, so why not celebrate your patriotism and excuse to get wildly drunk while wearing this Uncle Sam Beer Me t-shirt? Uncle Sam himself probably wouldn’t approve, but freedom is all about being allowed to drink yourself silly on the Fourth of July, am I right?

American Flag Fanny Pack

There are few things more American than a fanny pack with a cup holder. What can I say, we like cup holders, and cup holders with the flag on it are even better. Go Merica! Ever see those portable pizza holders? Americans sure are innovative. (Just assuming an American made the portable pizza holder.

Did you find something patriotic to wear this Independence Day? If not, what are you waiting for?! Get your patriotic gear right now. America needs you. Uncle Sam needs you.

Giant Robot Battle Going Down this August!

Remember last summer when some robot builders from America challenged robot builders from Japan? Well the Japanese accepted that challenge, and the robot battle is now scheduled for sometime this August.

I’ll be watching this robot beat down for sure, as the two giant mechs go head to head for a battle to the death.

I have to say the Japanese robot looks more stable than the US bot. Japan’s Kuratas has four legs, each with a rotating wheel at its end, which should give it stable footing and agility. The US bot is on what appear to be rubber tank treads from a small front end loader, and looks a bit top-heavy to me.

I’m pretty pumped about this, though I assume it will happen outside the US since the bots are controlled by human pilots. I doubt US safety standards would ever allow one dude to pummel another dude inside a metal robot with blades and other nasty weapons in its hands. Then again, maybe there are no safety standards for mechs at this point.

[via Nerd Approved]