Will Your Eyes Replace Your Keyboard?

So much will soon be obsolete as the Age of Context changes how people and technology interact. Among the most imminent victims are the keyboard and the mouse.Not only are they both too cumbersome...

Hand of God Exploding Star Leads to Speculation

While it looks exactly like an x-ray of a hand, the fact that it is a picture of an object in the far recesses of space is a source of great surprise. Mankind has always kept stargazing and his...

‘Twins’ Light Beam is Key to Fast Signals

The demand for fast signals has gone through the roof. If current trends continue pretty soon mankind will be up to its neck in fiber optics with online traffic causing logjams along these relay...

Back to School 2012: Jawbone BIG JAMBOX Wireless Bluetooth Speaker

The jawbone big jambox Bluetooth speaker is available at Amazon for $299.95. Summer is in full swing and most of you are not having a care in the world. Unfortunately summer will be over before you...