The NodPod, a Hammock for Your Head

It’s hard to get sleep on a plane, a train, or any chair really. Thank God that the NodPod finally exists. This thing is basically a hammock for your big fat head, holding it in place so you can sleep.

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The lady in the picture is either super comfortable because of the NodPod, or she is all drugged up from going to the dentist. Either way, she’s loving that her head is supported for once.

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You can use NodPod while traveling in the car too. Though I’m not too sure about it, since it might snap your neck in a car accident. But you won’t care. You’ll be sleeping. Resting in peace. Shhh. Go to the light. Your heavy head is no more.

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The NodPod was created by Paula Blankenship and cost only $25(USD). It already has blown through its goal on Kickstarter, so it should definitely be going into production.

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[via Bored Panda via Geekologie]