New York City won’t let you take ‘hoverboards’ on the subway

Efforts might be underway to legalize "hoverboards" in New York City, but that doesn't mean that you'll get to take them everywhere you go even if they do get the all-clear. The Metropolitan Transportation Agency has banned the self-balancing scoote...

Mike Tyson Busts His Ass on a Hoverboard

“Hoverboards” are complete bullsh•t. They don’t hover at all, so stop lying to us and just call it an ass-busting sideways electric skateboard. That is a much more accurate name.

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So far as I can tell everyone who steps on one of these ends up on their ass. After you ride it, the thing also bursts into flames simply so it can die undefeated in the hoverboard “you can’t ride me without fracturing your coccyx” contest. Here is a short video of Mike Tyson riding a hoverboard that still makes me laugh after watching it for 30-minutes straight.

Yes he busts his ass. No you won’t want to mention it if you run into him on the street. He could miss you by a foot and the force of the wind from his fist passing by would knock your head off. I bet Mike came up swinging and bit the right wheel off that thing for revenge.

ICYMI: A real hoverboard for 20K, the worm robot and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: Scientists have built a robot that is controlled by software directly modeled on a worm's brain, near cyborg-style. ARCA has built a hoverboard they say can actually hover above ground for up to six minutes and is bein...