Doctor Who Sonic Screwdriver Toothbrush


This is the way the Doctor Who brushes his teeth. Well, okay, not so much on the way he does, but what he uses to, anyway. His Sonic Screwdriver is many things–a lock pick, a remote controller, a tracker, even a medical scanner. It’s probably the most-coveted multi-tool ever known to man, although it’s fictional in existence– and now you can own one of your very own!

It can’t exactly do what the Doctor’s can, but the Sonic Screwdriver toothbrush will make sure that your pearly whites stay white with regular brushing.




The Sonic Screwdriver toothbrush vibrates for a deeper clean. It comes with batteries plus a spare brush head and retails for $19.99.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Holy Cool ]

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Fresh Air Plus: Now You Can Poop, Minus the Stink

Poop stinks. Most of the time, it’s tolerable – it is your own poop, after all. But sometimes, it downright stinks and makes you want to gag. Maybe it was indigestion, or maybe it was something you ate. Whatever the cause, nobody wants a bathroom that smells like a bunch of fart bombs were set off inside of it.

And here to save the day is Fresh Air Plus.

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It’s basically a fan that’s built into a toilet seat. The Fresh Air Plus has a sensor that detects when a user is seated on the bowl. Once the pooper has been detected, the fan turns on and pushes out all foul smells through a tube that connects your bowl to an outdoor outlet. By the time you’re done, the smells will be gone and you can flush and wash your hands, gag-free.

Fresh Air Plus is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $160(USD) will get you one of your very own.

[via Geek]

Fresh Air Plus Does Away With Nasty Smells After You Do a Number Two

Fresh Air Plus

There’s nothing pleasant about poop. Not it’s smell, not it’s appearance, not it’s texture–nothing. There’s little you can do about most of these without having to change your diet, save for the smell, because you can actually minimize it (well, sort of) if you get one of these Fresh Air Plus units. It’s basically a fan that’s specially designed to fit your toilet bowl.

When you sit on it, a sensor triggers the unit’s fan to turn on, which subsequently filters out the nasty smells of poop through a hose and out of the bowl. This way, the smell won’t overwhelm your senses by the time you’re ready to flush.

The Fresh Air Plus is up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $160 will get you one of your very own.

[ Kickstarter ] VIA [ Geek ]

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Smart Toilet Paper Holder Sends You ‘Low TP’ Alerts

Smart Toilet Paper Holder


Nothing sucks more than looking up to realize that you’ve only got a few squares of TP left after doing a massive number 2. The RollScout aims to save the day, though, by alerting people in the household when the toilet paper levels are in a dangerously low level. If you missed the alert on your smartphone, then the RollScout’s blinking LED light will remind you of that fact so you can replace the old roll before doing your thing.

The RollScout can run on a single A23 battery for an entire year, so maintaining it shouldn’t be a pain at all. Aside from home use, it’s ideal for businesses who don’t want to turn patrons off for the lack of fresh TP.

The RollScout is up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $49 will get you one of your very own.


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Want, Need, Now: Water Draining Soap Holder

Water Draining Soap Holder


Looking for a way to increase the useful life of that bar of soap? Not that it’s a big deal or anything, but goopy soap is a huge pet peeve. Aside from, well, wasting good soap, it also makes washing your hands a difficult process. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make sense to dry the bar after every use (can you even imagine doing that?)

But here’s a bit of good news: a soap holder which does just that for you exists. The Water Draining Soap Holder basically drains away the excess water from the soap so it doesn’t slowly melt away in the holder.

One first world problem, solved. It’s available online for $5.25.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TIWIB ]

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This’ll Scare the Crap Out of You: Horror Story Toilet Paper

Horror Story Toilet Paper

Done reading all of the books and comics you’ve stashed in the bathroom? Then here’s one bathroom reader that might just literally scare the crap out of you: the Horror Story toilet paper roll. Sorry if that was a bit too graphic for you, but I just couldn’t resist. This is basically a roll of toilet paper with a scarier-than-though story printed on it.

The horrific tales are penned by Koji Suzuki, who’s known for writing the “Ring” and “Spiral” series. They’re sold in sets of three, with each one featuring a different story.

They’re available online for £9.99 (or about $17.)

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TIWIB ]

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Happy Poo Happily Takes the Place of Your Plunger

Happy Poo

It happens every so often to each and every human being around the planet. After taking a particularly large (and satisfying) dump, the toilet decides that it’s way too big for it to handle and before you know it, the entire thing is clogged. If you’re not a huge fan of the plunger–I mean, who is?–then here’s an alternative for you: the Happy Poo.

It’s a disposable seat cover of sorts that attempts to let you “re-flush” the toilet when it’s clogged without having to use a plunger. Just peel it off from the protective backing, make sure it’s attached all around to the seat, flushed, and press down.

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If everything goes according to plan, the toilet will flush and you can live hap-poo-ly ever after. Happy Poo is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $8 will get you one of your very own.

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It’s Crap-tastic!: ‘Developing Your Decor’ Photo Toilet Tissue

Developing Your Decor Toilet Paper

Here’s the perfect pair to the that Polaroid-inspired toilet paper holder that was so popular among fans of instant photography: the Developing Your Decor Photo Toilet Tissue paper. Each square has a vintage-looking image printed on it–kind of like the pictures you get from a Polaroid or an Instax. You probably wouldn’t use this to wipe your bottom because it might seem like such a waste, but hey, you only live once and who else can say they’ve wiped their bottoms with such a classic roll?

Pair it with the Polaroid Toilet Paper Holder for some instant awesomeness.

Developing Your Decor Toilet Paper1


Each roll of the Developing Your Decor’ Photo Toilet Tissue retails for $5.99.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Holy Cool ]

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Cover Blubber Takes Over Where Cling Wrap Left Off

Cover Blubber

The Cover Blubber does everything cling wrap can–well, almost–without adding to the waste that’s piling up in landfills all over the world. Cover Blubber is a stretchy rubber wrap that fits over most bowls, jars, and even fruit to create an airtight seal to keep leftovers fresh (or as fresh as leftovers can be kept, anyway.)

The Cover Blubber is made from sticky rubber material that’s EU and FDA-approved, and works best on foodstuffs that are uniformly shaped and on containers without exaggerated sides.

Cover Blubber1

The Cover Blubber is sold in packs of four that are different in size. They retail for $19.99 but are currently out of stock.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Laughing Squid ]

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Grush is a Gaming Toothbrush That Turns Brushing Into a Game



Kids are sometimes unaware of the importance of brushing at least thrice a day until it’s too late. Cavities, gum disease, bad breath–you name it and you’ll get it if you don’t brush regularly and practice good oral hygiene. You’re past that age of ignorance and unawareness, but your kid probably isn’t. So if little Junior ain’t brushing like he’s supposed to, then here’s something to convince him otherwise: Grush, which is a smart toothbrush system that turns brushing into a game.

The toothbrush hooks up with an app that displays a virtual set of teeth. Brush for the minimum required amount of time and the monsters that lurk in that certain area will gradually disappear on the screen.

Grush is currently up for funding on Indiegogo, where a minimum pledge of $49 will get you a complete Grush smart toothbrush system.


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