iPad History

There are a lot of incredible innovations in the tech world that have come out of Apple. They were, after all, the first company to release commercial PCs that could reach a mass market audience, but...

Android Tablets Outsell Apple iPads

The sale of tablets grew to more than 195 million units last year. This was a 68% increment on the numbers for 2012. Meanwhile, iOS tablets faced a decline of 36%. Android is at the top spot though....

iPads are the Most Used Tablets while Surface are Most Used in Working Hours

While public opinion may favor Apple iPads or Android devices by Google; as a work partner, it is Microsoft Surface Tablets that beat the competition hands down. But only in working hours. Yes,...

Apple Now Promoting Apple TV As A Full Product Line

Apple TV has finally come of age. It now has a genuine existence alongside other products from the high tech giant. Thus Macs, iPads, iPods and iPhones are not the only creations coming out of Apple...