Japan Has a Kit Kat Museum: Give me a Break

Japan has some very strange Kit Kat flavors like Sake or that gold leaf covered Kit Kat bar you could eat. If the weird flavors didn’t tip you off for how popular the candy is in the country, this Kit Kat museum will.


The museum opened in Tokyo and will be there for a limited time. There are all sorts of Kit Kat bars on exhibit, with some of them being there for their weird flavors and others being notable for their strange packaging.


A couple of the packages look like trains or big trucks. I really dig the package in the bottom right corner of the image below. It looks like some sort of sci-fi space shuttle.

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[via Fashion Press via Kotaku]

Edible Gold Kit Kat Bar: Because Japan

The Japanese are some of the world’s biggest purveyors of weird food. They have some strange snacks, and the latest is a Kit Kat bar with hand placed gold leaf around the chocolaty goodness. Why gold-leafed Kit Kat bars? We have no idea; perhaps the Japanese want shiny gold turds.

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The Kit Kat Choclatory shops will offer these special gold leaf wrapped Kit Kats later next month. There will be only 500 sticks made and each stick is hand wrapped and costs about $16(USD).

Yes, they mean single stick, not the entire Kit Kat bar. $16 for a piece of a Kit Kat? Gimme a break amiright? The Chocolatory is also raffling off an actual 24k gold Kit Kat bar that you can’t eat, but would spend nicely.

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[via Kotaku]

Break Me off a Brick of this LEGO Kit Kat Bar

Love LEGO? What about Kit Kat bars? If you love both, you’ll be happy to learn that the marketing team for Nestlé’s Kit Kat candy bar brand has created a custom LEGO set. That’s right, your favorite candy and your favorite toy are now one. All is right with the world.

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This set lets users build Kit Kat bars, but that is not all. They hid extra minifigs inside the bars, and even included a bunch of extra designs that they came up with using the same pieces. In other words, it is just like a real LEGO set. And it comes in an official-looking box too.

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Unfortunately, the set isn’t available in stores, and was just created as a promotional stunt for the brand.

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[The Brick Fan via Fanboy via Neatorama]

Android Kit Kat Commercial Takes a Swing at Apple

Google made it a tradition to name Android releases after candy. Now for the first time a candy company actually saw some marketing potential. Android 4.4 will be known as Android KitKat. KitKat will...

Kit Kat Invites You to Have a Break – Minus the Wi-Fi

You see free Wi-Fi stations all over the place these days, but when was the last time you saw a free ‘No Wi-Fi’ zone? Probably never, if you haven’t been down to Amsterdam lately. Instead of offering free Wi-Fi for bystanders and on-the-go passersby, Kit Kat’s station blocks all sorts of wireless signals instead.

Kit Kat No Wifi ZoneIf you’re the type who spends every waking moment on Facebook or Twitter, then you should make your way to this no Wi-Fi zone once in a while and take a break from all that madness of the online world. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to stay connected, but if you stop living in the real world and begin to ‘live’ more online, then you’ve got a problem.

Kit Kat’s ‘No Wi-Fi’ campaign was thought up by advertising agency JWT Amsterdam and was designed by Kyoko Takeshita.

[via Pop Up City]

Nestlé’s “We Will Find You” Marketing Campaign: Big Butterfinger is Watching You

Nestlé wants to be like Willy Wonka, but instead of a Golden Ticket, they are using GPS technology. Certain candies like Kit Kats will have GPS in the packaging so that when you open them, the GPS is activated and they can track you down.
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Soon after you open a winning candy wrapper, some PR people (presumably not dressed as an armed SWAT team) will come to your door and let you know that you have won a pile of cash. But despite the prize, this whole campaign seems really creepy.

The video is amusing yes, but what about those poor folks who don’t know about the promotion, suddenly getting harassed by PR guys? Some of us value our privacy. At the moment, this campaign is only running in the UK right now. What do you guys think? The money is cool, but some folks will find the idea of being tracked down by their candy bar to be unnerving.

[via Neatorama]

How To Make A Gigantic Kit Kat


If you’re looking for a fun summer project, I think making this huge Kit-Kat can be yummy, interesting enough, and right up your alley. All you need is to buy the ingredients and make room in the fridge, because you are good to go.

I wonder what gave this guy the idea to ...
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