Saw Chrome vs. Internet Explorer Prank

This is an awesome prank. What you see here is the Windows desktop that Redditor Croft1342 was greeted with after having a friend repair his computer. Jigsaw from the Saw movies is such a jerk. Only one of those Chrome icons is actually Chrome.

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The rest? All of those are Internet Explorer. That’s just downright mean, but funny as hell. We don’t know if Croft knew how to solve the riddle or if he was able to, without going through each icon individually. Man, that would take some time. I bet he wasn’t laughing.

Of course all you have to do is put a new icon on the desktop, but sometimes it is the simple answers that elude you.

[via Geekologie]

Nic Cage, In Your Face, (No) Thanks to nCage Browser Extension



Nicolas Cage is a great actor, although he hasn’t been in many good movies lately. Regardless whether you agree or disagree with that, I’m fairly certain you wouldn’t want to see his mug plastered all over your computer screen. Unless you’re his ultimate mega fan, that is. A browser extension that does exactly just that is called nCage. It’s perfect for pranksters and for the aforementioned mega fans, because it basically turns every image on your browser window into a photo featuring none other than Nicolas Cage.

They’ve mixed it up, too, so you’ll be treated to a slew of Nic Cages with various expressions, hair styles, and eye sizes (yes, there’s one where he does the crazy eyes.) Check out nCage here.

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

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Cubicle Contents Transformed into LEGO by Pranksters

If you work in a cubicle with a bunch of other geeks, you probably get up to some shenanigans to keep yourselves sane. One guy recently went on a vacation for a week leaving his cubicle unprotected. His coworkers decided to prank him by removing and replacing the contents of his office.

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It appears the coworkers removed everything from the cubicle including the guy’s phone, monitor, and even his peanut butter. The real objects were replaced with a sort of impressionist copy made from LEGO.

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I particularly like the LEGO recreation of the peanut butter jar. The monitor and phone are also very realistic. I think these people must not have enough work to do if they have time to get up to pranks this time consuming. Still, I applaud them.

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[via Reddit]

A Welcoming Prank: 50 Dollar Bill Welcome Doormat

50 Dollar Door Mat

Now isn’t this is a welcome sight for anyone who comes wandering to your front door: a 50 dollar bill on the welcome mat, ripe for the picking. They’ll quickly realize they’ve been had the moment they bend down to pluck the bill off the mat. That’s because the hyper-realistic fifty dollar bill is imprinted right on the doormat itself, so the fact that it’s fake isn’t obvious until their face is a few inches away.

You won’t make new friends with this doormat out there, but you’ll be able to have a laugh or two at the expense of your older friends. The 50 Dollar Bill Welcome doormat retails for $24.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Holy Cool ]

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Uruk-Hai Orc Goes Grocery Shopping

Check out this video of Olivier Richters dressed up to look like a member of the orc breed Urak-Hai from The Lord of the Rings. This is some amazing cosplay. It’s even more amazing because he goes grocery shopping and doesn’t even get hassled by police or the management. People are touchy these days, but no one messes with an orc.

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The other shoppers give him some funny looks, a few wet themselves and others look like they have just had their reality blown and may freak out in a minute. It looks like a fun time was had by all. From the looks of things, all he bought was a gallon of milk and a duck toy.

Orcs love a good duck toy.

YankMe Candles Yank Your Chain with Disgusting Candle Scents

Yankee Candle has been around for a long time. You’ve probably been gifted a candle or two from their various lines, which include the Man Candles which feature scents like “Mmm, Bacon” and “Riding Mower.”

And then there’s YankMe Candle.

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YankMe basically sells candles that look a lot like Yankees’, save for the fact that they’re funner, weirder, and feature completely outrageous scents. For example, their current offerings include scents like Dog Vomit, Skid Marks, and Dutch Oven (eww!)

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The foul smells will hit you the moment you remove the cap from YankMe’s candles, so brace yourself. Obviously YankMe knows they won’t sell many candles this way, so they’ve cleverly incorporated the advertised scent into a patent pending smelly disc, which you’ll find sitting on top of the actual candle.

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Once you throw that out, you can then light the candle to allow its actual scent to waft out and make your home smell like home again. YankMe candles sell for $14.99(USD) each. Somebody, please light a match.

[via This Is Why I'm Broke]

Damnit, Expelliarmus: ‘Harry Potter’ Dementor Prank

Remember those soul-sucking creatures from Harry Potter that can seal your fate with a single, fatal kiss? If you’re a fan of the franchise, then you probably do. Two dudes decided to have a little fun with the character by bringing it to life. Save for a hooded black robe and a dude who does a good impression of being possessed, the duo don’t have any props but their little prank was still a roaring success. I almost feel bad for all the people they scared…well, almost.

Half of them probably didn’t get the Harry Potter reference but seeing such strangeness right before your very eyes might be enough to freak an average person out. I know I probably would’ve been, too. Check it out!

VIA [ Geekologie ]

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Cruel Joke: Sinister Ghost Pepper Gummy Bears

Ghost Pepper Gummy Bears


Some practical jokes are funny, while others are just plain mean. These Evil Hot Gummi Bears are somewhere in the middle, although it mostly depends on who you’re pranking and how they take it as well. They look like typical gummy bears, save for the fact that they’re flavored with Naga chili peppers that’ll burn your tongue and set your insides on fire.

Hand them off to unsuspecting victims or chew a couple ones yourself if you’re up to the challenge. The Evil Hot Gummi Bears are available online for £5.99 (about $10.)

[ Product Page ] VIA [ Green Head ]

The post Cruel Joke: Sinister Ghost Pepper Gummy Bears appeared first on OhGizmo!.

iBuyPower and TigerDirect team up for April Fools Day Prank product called OrigamiBook

iBuyPower is a company that makes all sorts of customized notebooks and desktops for gaming and computer enthusiasts. TigerDirect is one of the most popular places you can go to buy computers, PC...