Everysight’s Raptor AR cycling glasses start at $499

We liked what Everysight accomplished with its Raptor AR Smartglasses -- they present helpful cycling info like directions, cadence and your heart rate in front of you so that you can keep your eyes on the road. If you're feeling the same way, you no...

Smart cycling glasses show data without blocking your view

You can already buy smart glasses for cycling, but they tend to have one big catch: the heads-up display partly obscures your view. That's annoying at best, and risky at worst. Everysight thinks it can do better. It's close to finishing development o...

Why are dinosaurs everywhere in VR?

There's a key scene early in Jurassic Park when the visiting scientists see their first dinosaur in person. Paleontologist Alan Grant (Sam Neill) and paleobotanist Ellie Sattler (Laura Dern) clamber out of their Jeep as they stare at the majestic bra...

Dinosaur Thunderdome: Two Raptors Enter, One Raptor Leaves

Listen all! This is the truth of it. Fighting leads to killing, and killing gets to warring. And that was damn near the death of us all. Look at us now! Busted up, and everyone talking about hard rain! But we’ve learned, by the dust of them all… Bartertown learned. Now, when dinosaurs get to fighting, it happens here! And it finishes here! Two raptors enter; one raptor leaves!

The Death Guild yet again recreated their Thunderdome for Burning Man 2016, and that is where an epic war was waged between two bat-wielding raptors, battling each other for superiority while attached to bouncy swings.

Image Credit: Hun GTa

Image Credit: Hun GTa

It is every bit as thrilling as the Mad Max version – even better because dinosaurs!

[via Laughing Squid]

Ford F-150 Raptor introduced at NAIAS 2015 in Detroit

Ford is America’s truck leader and today the company unveiled its new F-150 Raptor which is the ultimate high performance off-road truck at the North American International Auto Show (NAIAS) 2015....

Raptor Robot Can Run 28 MPH and Avoid Obstacles

I’d wager what most of us know of the velociraptor is what we learned from Jurassic Park. The Raptor is a smaller dinosaur that is believed to have hunted in packs. Scientists at the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology have created a robot that is based on the velociraptor.


The bot is called the Raptor and it is designed to run on two legs with a tail-like appendage to give it balance. During treadmill tests, the Raptor was able to scoot along at over 28 MPH. That makes it faster than human sprinter Usain Bolt and Boston Dynamics’ Cheetah robot that tops out at 27 MPH.

Even more impressive, the researchers who developed the robot were able to throw obstacles in Raptor’s path and it was able to step over them and keep going.

[via TechTimes]