Overwatch Genji Sword Replica Glows Green and Makes Sounds

Fans of Overwatch love Genji with his slick glowing sword that can shoot dragons. If you love to play as Genji, you’ll want this new replica of his awesome blade. Blizzard is set to peddle a Genji sword that comes compete with scabbard and display rack.

The replica sword measures 48″ long by 5″ wide, with a toy blade that is half an inch thick. It even has green lights inside for glowing effects just as in the game. An internal speaker also spouts sound effects.

The sword will set you back $200 and can be pre-ordered now from Blizzard with shipping starting around December 15th, making it a pretty awesome gift to put under the tree this year.

[via Ubergizmo]

Sword Cheese Grater is Perfect for Marcus Aurelius Cheficus

We all need to grate cheese, at least those normal among us do. I say normal because only an insane person doesn’t need nachos in their lives every now and again. You could grate your cheese with a normal boxy grater liek your grandma did, or you could get an awesome cheese grater.

This one is shaped like a Roman sword and has a hilt for a handle. It looks to grate up cheese in a fine pattern, but it all melts the same.

The fine grate mens it’s probably meant for parmesan and the like, but I’d totally grate cheddar for nachos. It’s not like any kitchen enemies could stand before the might of this grater and question your recipe prowess. Are you not entertained?

[via The Awesomer]

Man at Arms: Reforged Creates Wonder Woman’s Sword

Wonder Woman hits theaters this week, and I know I can’t wait to see it. To celebrate, Man at Arms: Reforged created a real-life version of Wonder Woman’s indestructible God Killer sword from the movies.

They always do an amazing job and this sword is certainly a real beauty. It is a well designed sword to begin with. Naturally they tested it out along with the shield they recently made.

And since they didn’t have any DC bad guys attacking them, they had to use pineapples, soda bottles, gallons of water, and a piñata as their victims. It does some nice damage to all of the above.

Who Doesn’t Want to Eat Noodles with a Giant Sword Fork?

Look at this picture. Yes that is a giant Final Fantasy sword with a fork at the end. With it you can slay yourself some delicious noodley dinner.

Apparently, the only way you can get this 24″ long fork is by winning a contest in Japan. However, you can buy some Final Fantasy packaged Cup Noodles. These noodles are tasty and perfect for people who want to eat, but have little money. We’ve all lived off packaged ramen at some point. I just think having a giant sword fork would make the noodles taste better.

Granted, a fork this massive would take all the noodles out of the cup at once and that is just asking for a major lip burn. There appear to be 16 different special Final Fantasy Boss Collection Cup Noodle packages, and Japanese fans can pre-order them now. Pre-order noodles?

[via Kotaku]

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GoPro on a Sword: First-person Slicer

Want to see things get sliced and diced from the sword’s point of view? Of course you do. That’s what we are here for. This video from YouTubers Sam And Niko shows what happens when you mount a GoPro to the blade of a katana, then watch what it sees as it slices through things.

The video shows the whole process from the initial experimentation to the final shots, so it takes a bit to get into the POV slicing action. Just skip ahead to about 6:30 if you only want to see the main event.

I personally love seeing watermelons with faces drawn on them get what they deserve. They should not have faces, and now they are going to pay the price for their mimicry of us.

[via Sploid via [Geekologie]

The post GoPro on a Sword: First-person Slicer appeared first on Technabob.

The Backyard Scientist Makes a Flaming Sword

Kevin Kohler aka “The Backyard Scientist” does all kinds of cool and questionable stuff in his backyard. Well, now he has made a cool, or should I say hot, flaming sword.

flaming_sword_backyard_scientist_1zoom in

Kohler filmed himself building a sword that’s literally on fire. Basically, he cast a toy foam sword in aluminum, drilled holes in it, polished it up, then went the extra mile and connected it to a propane tank, because you can never have enough propane.

Then he used his fiery sword to slice a watermelon. It get’s pretty hot in his hand though so he can’t use it for very long, but luckily it doesn’t take long to slice things. And cooling it off is as simple as dipping it in the swimming pool.

[via Laughing Squid]