Cast Iron T-Rex Bottle Opener Doesn’t Open Bottles with Its Tiny Arms

You’ll want to let out a mighty roar every time you open a bottle with this awesome Dinosaur Bottle Opener. It measures 9-inches by 5-inches, so this is a huge bottle opener worthy of a T-Rex. It will rip into those caps with its mighty teeth, like it is tearing apart flesh.

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It is made of cast iron, so it’s tough as Rex too. Just keep him on the table at the ready and he will be there whenever you need a beer, which is often.

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Check out the packaging. This guy is already rampaging and he’s still in the box.

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You can grab one from the Foodiggity Shop for $39.99(USD).

[via Incredible Things via Geekologie]

T-Rex Chopsticks Crush, Crumble, and Chomp Your Food

Time to go Jurassic on your Chinese food with these T-Rex Chopsticks from Fred & Friends. The top has a T-Rex head that moves its mouth with chomping action when you open and close the chopsticks. So basically you will want to supply the sound effects and roar your way through dinner.

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They’re perfect for dinosaur lovers of all ages and also for people who are not skilled at using regular chopsticks, like me.

Now they just need a few other dinosaur varieties so kids can gather around the table and have an awesome dino-fight for their meal. I’m thinking some Raptors and maybe a Triceratops.

[via That’s Nerdalicious via Geekologie]

T-Rex & Triceratops Headboards: Jurassic Nap

If you think that you can sleep with a T-Rex by your head, check out this cool headboard from PoshTots. It is bound to terrify adults and kids alike. Especially kids.

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Your dreams will be nothing but dinosaurs chewing on you and swallowing you whole. If that’s too scary, you could go with the somewhat less intimidating triceratops, which looks ready to gum you to death like a plant.

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These cool headboards were created by artist and craftsman Jason Hulfish. They fit any standard twin bed frame and the details are so stunning that they say they “must be seen in person to be believed”. I’ll just take their word for it.

It will cost you about $1,560(USD) to experience the terror of sleeping near a T-Rex or triceratops mouth firsthand.

[via Homecrux via Nerd Approved]

T.Rex Nightlight Guards You While You Dino-snore

Check out this cool T.Rex night light from lampUp. This guy will keep you safe while you sleep, looking like a dinosaur that has returned as a Jedi ghost. Don’t discount him due to his stubby and tiny arms. This guy is all teeth and he will tear boogeymen limb from limb.

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The design is engraved into 6mm acrylic that is lit with a string of LEDs, giving it that cool hologram-like vibe. Use it as a night light or just a cool desk lamp. He stands 6.5″ tall and 6″ wide on a bamboo base, and if you don’t want him lit up in green, you can have him light up in a bunch of other colors.

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I would put some leafy houseplants behind him so it looks like he is roaming in the jungle, but that’s just me. Be sure to check out lampUp’s Etsy shop for lots of other cool nightlights.

Jurassic Parkour

I always thought those stubby arms on the T-Rex were useless, but it turns out I was completely wrong. They seem to work great for doing all kinds of crazy stunts as shown in this video of the dinosaur performing parkour stunts and just plain being awesome.

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Okay, this is technically a guy in a T-Rex suit, but hey, if he can do it in a T-Rex suit, I bet a T-Rex could do these fancy moves too. I would love to see that. I hope that when they clone dinosaurs, they give them all kinds of cool new acrobatic skills so we can have some kick-ass new circus type shows when Jurassic World reopens.

[via Geekologie]

Cute and Simple T-Rex Wall Shelf: Primitive Prehistoric

Check out this awesome dinosaur shaped decorative wall shelving from Expand Furniture. It comes as a bunch of interlocking pieces you assemble yourself to create a minimal T-Rex shelf for your Jurassic Books. If you don’t want a T-Rex, you can use the pieces to make custom designs of your choice. Why wouldn’t anyone want a T-Rex though?

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As an added bonus, the stubby little arms on this T-Rex shelf are not useless. It costs $300(USD) though (regularly $375) and comes in black or white. Hopefully they come out with more versions of dinosaurs. Can you imagine all of your walls decked out in these cool dinosaur shelves? That would be super sweet.

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[via Incredible Things]

Jurassic Wheels: T.Rex Tricycle

Imagine cruising down the street on the bones of an ancient giant, like a victorious conqueror. Well, if you are in Portland, Oregon you can buy this awesome T.Rex tricycle and ride it all over the city. First you have to buy it for $2000(USD).

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This custom trike is for sale on Craiglist. The bike is named “Sue” and is about 12 feet-long and eight and a half feet-tall. Sue’s designer says that she has a comfy cruising speed of about 7 mph, and you can operate her jaws and arms using specially designed controls. She’s made from a chromoly steel frame, wrapped in foam for her skeleton, and can hold up to 200lbs.

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Now all it needs is a button for a mighty roar! You add that and I’m sold.

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[via Mental Floss via Incredible Things]

A 3D Printed T-Rex Shower Head Is Why 3D Printers Were Invented


Now that you’ve had your fancy 3D printer for a while and some of the novelty’s worn off, you may be wondering just why it is you spent all that money. Your concerns, however, exist only because you’re short on imagination and not because the printers are less useful than you initially thought. Consider, for instance, the above 3D-printed T-Rex Skull shower head. In a world without 3D printers, this item would likely not exist. Now you can just visit the link below, download the file, and print it at home! You don’t need to pay for it, it’s free, and you don’t need to wait for it to ship: you literally download a product at home.

But you knew that, right? That’s why you bought the printer, you just forgot to browse the Thingyverse in a while. But now that you know this exists, get crackin’!


[ Product Page ] VIA [ Geekologie ]

The post A 3D Printed T-Rex Shower Head Is Why 3D Printers Were Invented appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Life-size T-Rex Skeleton Replica will Take Your Budget Back to the Cretacious

In 1992, amateur paleontologist Stan Sacrison discovered the bones of a Tyrannosaurus rex in South Dakota. The resulting skeleton was named after Stan. Made of 199 bones, STAN is world famous for being one of the most complete specimens ever found. He hangs out at the Black Hills Institute Museum (BHI Museum), but BHI also sells made to order 1:1 replicas of STAN.

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STAN is about 15ft. tall and 40ft. wide. BHI makes his replicas out of resin, with steel support structures embedded in the “bones.” BHI can send a crew to assemble the skeleton in any anatomically possible pose. Sorry, millionaire who wants a life-size T-rex skeleton that’s scratching its nose. BHI has made several replicas of STAN, many of them used in museums. Here’s one of STAN’s clones, chilling at the University of Manchester’s museum:

As you may have expected, STAN’s skeleton is going to cost you. You can order one from Hammacher Schlemmer or directly from BHI for $100,000 (USD).

[via Nerd Approved]

3D Printed T-Rex Showerhead

dinosaur shower head 3D Printed T Rex Showerhead
Well now I guess we all are going to have to add 3D printers to our holiday shopping lists. With 3D printing technology your imagination is the limit to what you can create. And someone imagined a T-Rex shower head. And it was made. And since the plans were publicly released here on Thingaverse, anyone with a 3D printer could make their own dinosaur shower head from the comfort of their home. And they did.
3d dinosaur shower head 3D Printed T Rex Showerhead
They actually do sell quite a few dragon faucets but dinosaur faucets or showerheads is not something that’s commercially available (and really I did look it up because that’s the kind of thorough research we do here. also the reason why my browser history will probably baffle future researchers for years to come.) So if you can’t buy, you make it. It does look like a pretty intense stream of water coming from that dinosaur’s mouth, I prefer more of a massaging spray shower head. Maybe more of a brontosaurus than a T-Rex. (via nerd approved)

3D Printed T-Rex Showerhead
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