Tank Slippers

tank slippers Tank Slippers
Lounge about the house in military style with these Panzer tank slippers from miligurumis. It’s ok to drag your feet around with these crocheted slippers because tank treads never leave the ground, right? Here’s another view, hold onto your desks, it’s an action shot:
tank slippers2 Tank Slippers
These would be great for anyone who happens to have a real tank cut in half and turned into a bar in their basement. Now here’s the good news/bad news part. Bad news- you can’t buy these slippers. But the good news is you can buy the crochet pattern here (hopefully you know how to crochet! or know someone who does). Awesome footwear.

Tank Slippers

Tank Turned into a Bar: Great for Doing Shots

tank bar Tank Turned into a Bar: Great for Doing Shots
Got a spare tank hanging around? Sure, we all do. Why not chop it in half and make it into a bar? Shots for everybody! Better than getting shot. It’s recycling at it’s best. All it takes is a few bar taps, a nice wooden top, some padding on the side…and oh yeah- a tank. Reverse angle:
bar tank Tank Turned into a Bar: Great for Doing Shots
Now before everyone gets their manties in a bunch here- yes this is actually from an armored transport vehicle and not a tank per se. I believe it’s actually a Soviet BMP. But once you chop the top off and it’s just treads and an armored side, same difference, right? Either way, I want to drink here. (via)

Tank Turned into a Bar: Great for Doing Shots

iPhone Tank Chargers

iphone tank charger iPhone Tank Chargers
These custom made iPhone charging docks are chock full of badassery. Each hefty size charger is hand crafted by toy designer PHU and have the charging cable built right in. They look like something right out of Call of Duty or some other video game (if there were iPhones in the video game).
tank charger empty iPhone Tank Chargers
You choose either iPhone 4 or iPhone 5 versions. Here’s a rear shot so you can see how the cable threads through:
tank charger back iPhone Tank Chargers
This kind of custom kick-ass-edness doesn’t come cheap, expect to pay $395 each for each one of a kind tank charger. Pick one or two up right here.

iPhone Tank Chargers

The Bitch And Stitch Club Take Notice: We Want These Panzer Slippers

Crocheting is fun. Ok, no, we lied. It’s not. At least it doesn’t look like fun. It looks like something only our grandmas should do. So we’re going to spend $7, get our hands on the PDF file with the pattern for the above Panzer slippers, and find a grandma willing to make us some. We suggest you go grandma hunting as well, because to be honest, these are some swell slippers.

Don’t believe us? Hit the jump and check them out from many angles.

[ Etsy Listing for PDF of Pattern ]