After Math: Twitter’s very bad breach

We’ve got a mixed bag of headlines for you this week, what with everything happening at the same time these days. Let’s take a look at Twitter’s worst Wednesday in living memory, as well as some stellar game sale numbers amid the COVID-19 shutdown an...

After Math: With the kids away, it’s time to play

Since it looks like the fall school semester is happening whether we’re ready for it or not, you’ll finally have dibs on “next game” on that console your kids have been bogarting for the past quarantined four months. Lucky for you, there are plenty o...

After Math: Take a mental health break from this crisis with these games

It’s been a brutal week. We started it with a historic space flight promising to unite the American people under a banner of hope and optimism. Then the police rioted. All of them, I think. Now we’ve got protests running throughout the nation. Calls...

After Math: Playing around on the PS5 while Blizzcon goes bye-bye

We had a mixed bag in terms of gaming news this past week. On one hand, Sony announced an hour-long gameplay showcase for its upcoming PS5 console and the NFL reupped its licensing agreement with EA through the 2026 season. On the other hand, BLizzar...

After Math: The great indoors

We’re entering week 7 of shelter in place — or maybe it’s week 70? Getting hard to tell these days — and things are going great. My quarantine beard is now Methuselah length, my window sill garden is booming, and my blood sacrifices to the old gods h...