Luuuk Trojan stole over $680,000 in just a Week, then disappeared

Luuuk is the name of a mysterious Trojan that was discovered in early 2014 after having allowed its creators to steal more than €500,000, or about $680,000, in just seven days by performing “Man-in-...

Smartphone Heartbleed Security Flaw

The Heartbleed security flaw involves a sort of hole in an OS’s SSL system which leaves the security walls down for viruses or hackers to enter. The Heartbleed bug is acquired through any possible...

End of Windows XP Support Means Trouble for Some

NEW YORK (AP) — Microsoft will end support for the persistently popular Windows XP on Tuesday, and with an estimated 30 percent of businesses and consumers still using the 12-year-old operating...

Taking Security Seriously after the Target Hack

Yesterday, U.S. Federal Reserve Governor Daniel Tarullo noted that “uniform disclosure” requirements were needed for banking institutions, so that their customers were made aware precisely when a...

Antivirus Software is a Must

One of the best antivirus software for Mac is iAntivirus. iAntivirus software is an exclusively Mac antivirus made by Norton's Symantec. iAntivirus is the antidote to any man made glitches in the...

iAntivirus is a Free Antivirus Software for Mac

Antivirus softwares protects systems against viruses and other malicious activities. iAntivirus is the antidote to any man made glitches in the system. Whether it is a worm or a bug, the program...

Heads-Up: Your Malware Protection Could Be Out-Dated And Ineffective

It’s pretty much tradition now for me. When my family and I go to other family members’ homes for the holidays, I get sucked into cleaning-up and tuning their computers of various varieties. ...

Best 3 Antivirus Apps for iOS

Many users download various types of things and install things from unknown and sometimes, untrusted sources which may content things like virus or malwares or spywares that can affect normal...