Terahertz scans could save male chicks from an untimely end

Chicken hatcheries often grind up male chicks as soon as they break out of their shells -- they don't produce enough meat as adults, so they're considered useless compared to the egg-laying females. It's not exactly compassionate, and it wastes mone...

Burger King Cheetos Chicken Fries Will Turn Fingers Orange

The fast food industry hasn’t been afraid to make some really weird snacks. Typically, these strange foods are offered in Japan, like those pumpkin and chocolate fries that McDonald’s offers. Now Burger King has rolled out Cheetos Chicken Fries, and they’re available right here in the good old U.S. of A.


I happen to think the chicken fries are the only thing worth eating at BK other than that epic Hershey’s Chocolate pie. These fries are exactly what you think they are, which is to say standard chicken fries rolled in orange Cheetos dust. They have 280 calories for an order, but exactly how many you get isn’t specified. I’m guessing it’s six or so, which is more fingers than an actual chicken has.

I can only assume they will turn your fingers super orange just like eating a bag of Cheetos.

KFC-flavored nail polish gives new meaning to ‘chicken fingers’

KFC is taking its "finger lickin' good" slogan a bit too far. The fried chicken fast food chain made two "edible" fingernail polishes for its fans in Hong Kong. Teaming up with ad agency Ogilvy & Mather and food experts at McCormick, two shades w...

Taco Bell Testing Taco Shell Made From Crispy Chicken


Don’t go looking for it at your local Taco Bell just yet, unless you live in Bakersfield and Lost Hills, California. That’s where a Reddit user spotted the above. It’s called Naked Crispy Chicken Taco, and it’s a taco with a shell made of crispy white meat chicken. The other ingredients include lettuce, cheese, tomato and avocado ranch sauce, so… no extra meat. But who cares? It’s $2.99 for one, to $4.99 in a combo. We don’t know whether the chain will expand the offering statewide, but we sure hope so. We suspect that some people in Colorado might be down.


[ Mashable ] VIA [ ThatsNerdALicious ]

KFC Double Down Dog Replaces Hot Dog Buns with Chicken

I’m not a huge fan of hot dogs to begin with. I look at them sort of the same way I look at fish; I might eat one once a year at most. Every now and again, I get a hankering for a Sonic foot long chili cheese, but as soon as I am done eating it, I remember why I never order one.

KFC previously rolled out the rather weird Double Down sandwich that crams bacon and cheese between two pieces of chicken. Now KFC has rolled out an ever stranger entree – the Double Down Dog.

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It replaces the hot dog bun with a curved piece of chicken. The whole works is then covered in cheese. The Double Down Dog rolled out in the Philippines to begin with. Whether or not it will come to the U.S. remains to be seen.

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If they released out the Double Down Sandwich here, I’d wager the Dog is coming too. It looks so gross.

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[via Kotaku]

KFC iPhone 5S Case is Finger Grippin’ HUGE

Earlier this month we found out about KFC Japan’s chicken-themed computer keyboard and mouse. The restaurant chain continues to celebrate Colonel Sanders’ 124th birthday with its latest silly giveaway. Behold!

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And people think the iPhone 6 Plus is huge. I don’t even need a translation for whatever the Colonel is thinking. Check out KFC Japan’s website to see its other new promo item, an equally unwieldy fried chicken pillow.

[via That's Nerdalicious]

KFC Keyboard: Hungrier By the Letter

KFC Keyboard

A keyboard made by KFC that’s covered with tiny(but still yummy-looking) pieces of chicken and drumstick-shaped flash drives? Where else can you expect to find gadgets like these but Japan? Of course, it’s not complete without a mouse…so KFC Japan threw in a drumstick mouse into the mix, too!

Granted, the only letters you’ll find on the keyboard are K, F, and C. You’ll have a lot of guesswork to do with the other letters if you’re not used to typing without glancing down at the letters on your keyboard anymore.


The bad news? The chicken keyboard, mouse, and flash drive are only available as part of a promotion in KFC Japan. The good news? You’ll avoid a lot of typos and painful fingers by using your regular old keyboard.

VIA [ Geek ]

The post KFC Keyboard: Hungrier By the Letter appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Kandu Burrus’ tour demands don’t include KFC

You would just never get a hang of the demands that come from Kandi Burruss especially while she’s on the backstage. Looks like her weird cravings are getting to her somehow and these backstage...