Flow tracks air quality for crowdsourced pollution maps

You might not have heard of Plume Labs, but you can probably recall their pollution monitoring pigeons that flew over London earlier this year. The part research project, part publicity stunt was designed to drum up interest in a new air quality sens...

ZTE wants your help bringing crowdsourced ideas to life

When ZTE launched its Project CSX challenge to crowdsource ideas for a mobile device, it was hard not to wonder which of those grandiose visions would make the cut. Well, now we know: ZTE has unveiled the three ideas that made it to phase two of the...

ICYMI: Adorable robot overlords, all-in-one home brews and more

Today on In Case You Missed it: ASUS debuted a $600 home companion robot named Zenbo, who is designed to help out around the house (so long as its chores don't involve actually holding anything). Whirlpool launched an Indiegogo campaign to crowds...