Microsoft AI creates realistic speech with little training

Text-to-speech conversion is becoming increasingly clever, but there's a problem: it can still take plenty of training time and resources to produce natural-sounding output. Microsoft and Chinese researchers might have a more effective way. They've...

AI defeated a top-tier ‘Dota 2’ esports team

So much for the best Dota 2 players having the skill to fend off cutting-edge AI. OpenAI Five has beaten five players from OG, the veteran team that won Valve's 2018 International, in a best-of-three exhibition match. The Verge noted that the deep...

Boston Dynamics’ acquisition will help its robots see in 3D

While Boston Dynamics' robots make for fascinating -- sometimes disturbing -- internet videos, they haven't quite crossed into everyday life. That could change sooner rather than later. Boston Dynamics took a big step toward bringing its box-moving (...

Turing Award winners include AI giants from Facebook and Google

The Turing Award has recognized some of the biggest names in AI and computing over the years, and the latest winners are particularly heavy hitters. The three prize recipients for 2018 are Google VP George Hinton, Facebook's Yann LeCun (above) and Y...

Learn About Programming for AI and Deep Learning Tech

Artificial intelligence is poised to play a more and more significant role in many industries, including search engines, finance, robotics, and much more. To learn more about the impact of AI and deep learning on our current world, sign up for the AI & Deep Learning Training Bundle.

This bundle includes access to 10 online courses that will teach you all about programming for AI. You’ll build real-world AI applications with Python, exploring real-world scenarios and getting hands-on practice. You’ll also learn about creating deep learning algorithms with Java, which can produce tech for things like self-driving cars and digital personal assistants. You’ll also discover the current state of machine learning intelligence, and what it means for the future of predictive insight. And that’s just scratching the surface.

Get the AI & Deep Learning Bundle in the Technabob Shop, and best of all, pay what you want for it.

ICYMI: The DroneGun aims to patrol the skies

Today on In Case You Missed It: DroneShield has been touring airports across the country to test out its DroneGun, a rifle-sized UAV jammer that disables a drones' GPS and GLONASS positioning from over a mile away. While it hasn't received FCC ce...