Save the World, Twice a Day

The common toothbrush is ready for a reboot! TIO reimagines the everyday toothbrush as a comprehensive oral care solution that combines the best elements of design and sustainability. Made from bioplastics and with a reusable brush handle and packaging that doubles as a travel case, its carbon footprint is as small as they come. With an advanced bristle profile based on the latest dental research, it’s as good for your teeth as it is the environment!

Designer: Fabian Ghoshal & Benjamin Beck

Yanko Design
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(Save the World, Twice a Day was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Save the World, Twice a Day

The common toothbrush is ready for a reboot! TIO reimagines the everyday toothbrush as a comprehensive oral care solution that combines the best elements of design and sustainability. Made from bioplastics and with a reusable brush handle and packaging that doubles as a travel case, its carbon footprint is as small as they come. With an advanced bristle profile based on the latest dental research, it’s as good for your teeth as it is the environment!

Designer: Fabian Ghoshal & Benjamin Beck

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(Save the World, Twice a Day was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Green in the Virtual World is Good for the Real World
  2. Save Your Money!
  3. Save Your Gum, Make A Flower

The Forever Toothbrush

Think about how many toothbrushes you toss out in just the course of a year… then multiply that by your lifetime. Chances are, you’re seeing a mental mountain of plastic! In a nutshell, Goodwell’s modern toothbrush was inspired by this very thought. It utilizes a lasting aluminum body with compostable toothbrush attachments that you can feel confident tossing out. Better yet, a future design will include a 3-axis accelerometer & smartphone app to monitor & encourage regular brushing & flossing!

Designer: The Goodwell Co.

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(The Forever Toothbrush was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Blizzident 3D-Printed Toothbrush Requires Only Six Seconds of Brushing – Er, Biting

I think you know by now why it’s important to brush your teeth regularly. Those two minutes each morning and night might just save you from a future of missing teeth and dentures. But now there’s a new toothbrush of sorts in the market that promises to cut your brushing time down to six seconds per session. I’m not kidding.

BlizzidentIt’s called the Blizzident and it’s a 3D-printed toothbrush that’s customized for your specific dental configuration. It costs $299(USD) to get one made, because it’s custom nature means that you can’t just pick one up at a store. You’ll have to get a dentist to make a 3D impression of your teeth, which is scanned into a 3D file and sent off to Blizzident.

blizzident brushes 620x327magnify

They will then get to work on your custom toothbrush. The Blizzident has soft bristles all over, so instead of moving the brush, you just have to bite and chew for six seconds to get a deep clean around every tooth in your mouth – as well as your tongue. It’s recommended that users get a their Blizzident replaced annually. After the initial brush, it’ll cost $159 for replacements.

You can get more information about the Blizzident on their website.

[via C|NET]

Tooth Sensor Tells Your Doctor If You’re Over-Eating or Smoking When You Shouldn’t Be

People lie to their doctors all the time, even though it’s for their own good. There’s a new invention in the works that makes it impossible to deny you had that extra slab of steak or that you smoked a couple of cigarettes: tooth sensors.

tooth sensor

They were developed by a team from the National Taiwan University. Aside from being able to detect if the person is overeating or sneaking in a couple of smokes when he or she shouldn’t be, the system also informs the doctor about it.

The sensors were tested by sticking them onto eight dentures. The researchers discovered that the sensor had the capacity to distinguish between chewing, speaking, and smoking about 94% of the time.

It’s definitely an interesting gadget, although it might be a while before it’s deployed. But the question is: would you be willing to wear it, knowing your teeth will tell on you?

[via New Scientist and Motherboard via Engadget via Geeky Gadgets]

Neonisin is Toothpaste You Can Swallow

Toothpaste doesn’t sound like the most palatable thing in the world, but some people have taken it upon themselves to come up with the right formulation to make it edible. It’s called Neonisin and it’s going to be available in Japan this summer.


The active ingredient in the edible toothpaste is Nisin, which is a peptide that’s harvested from lactic bacteria. This is often found in soy bean curd. Natural flavoring, plum extract, mint oil, and corn-based thickeners are then added into the mix to create the toothpaste. In some ways, I guess you could say that Neonisin is basically just a tofu toothpaste – or Tofupaste for short.


When released, Neonisin toothpaste will be cost about $8.90(USD) for a 2.5 ounce tube.

[via RocketNews24 via Food Beast]

UltiBrush: The Swiss Army Toothbrush

You need to do more than just brush if you want to keep your pearly whites, well, pearly white. Aside from brushing, it’s also recommended that you floss regularly. Unfortunately, a lot of people ignore this advice and end up with overall bad dental health in the end.

The convenient solution? The UltiBrush.

ultibrushThis brush aims to be the king of all brushes because it doesn’t just come with the brush. Rather, it’s packed with toothpaste in an internal compartment and comes with a mirror and dental floss at the bottom. The UltiBrush also comes with a cap that doubles as a rinse cup to make it an even more complete package.

It’s perfect for travelers because this single brush can basically replace your entire dental kit. The UltiBrush is good for forty uses before it’ll need to be replaced. It’s currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $12(USD) will get you your very own brush.

Go Anywhere Dental Care

Designed with the help of humanitarian aid agencies, the DENTASSIST system offers mobile, modular treatment for dentistry that specifically aims to make dental care in developing countries within reach. The operating unit is mounted directly on the treatment center where power is supplied by compressor & generator modules of similar size & portability. An integrated telescopic stand, overall lightness & intuitive placement of tools enhance ergonomics & easy of use making it perfect for mobile dentistry.

Designers: Philipp Kupfer & Markus Schönecker

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Go Anywhere Dental Care was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Dental Chair of the Future

I cringe just thinking about sitting in the chair at the dentist’s office, but I might feel just a little better (and trust the doc’s aesthetic) if it looked like this ultra-modern design by Valerio Tonel. The appearance is simplified and conceals all the complex parts, offering unrestricted clinical access while delivering patient support and comfort.

Designer: Valerio Tonel

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Yanko Design Store - We are about more than just concepts. See what's hot at the YD Store!
(Dental Chair of the Future was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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