Zombie Game Boy Color: the Button Mashing Dead

We’ve all seen what could happen if humans became zombies, but what if your old Nintendo Game Boy Color returned from the dead as a zombie? The results are more cute than horrifying.

Zombie Gameboy Color

I’m not sure how you would stop a horde of zombie Game Boy Colors, but thankfully things haven’t reached plague proportions yet. This zombie handheld was created by Kody Koala, who knows how to make awesomely gory sculptures. He had already made some Game Boy zombies and wanted to see what a Game Boy Color would be like.

He used hands from a Cletus robot and feet from a Minion from Megamind. The end result is a fun Nintendo zombie ready to devour your old game cartridges instead of brains.

[via Geeknative]

Cardboard Nintendo Game Boy Color Has One Color: Cardboard

Oh man. I have always wanted a hug a giant Game Boy Color made out of cardboard. And that geeky chick in the pic created one. MaboroshiTira made this giant non-handheld by taking a bunch of boxes, chopping them up and turning them a larger-than-life nostalgic gaming device.
cardboard nintendo gameboy
You can push all of the buttons, the power switch moves, and the volume dial turns. The Game Boy Cardboard. If only Nintendo had thought to offer this up to fans. In this economy it would be a hit – or at least it’d have a solid profit margin.

giant cardboard game boy

MaboroshiTira is astounded by all of the attention this cool creation is getting her: “Oh my gosh guys…I am literally in tears. I never thought this would get so many views and favorites. And even end up on the front page (of DeviantArt)! Thank you all so much. I can’t even. This is really something i never thought would happen.”

cardboard gameboy color

I would say it is well earned. Great job, MT. Now when is the cardboard Wii U coming out?

[via Obvious Winner]

JavaScript/HTML5 GameBoy Color Emulator: Beat Bowser on Your Browser

Old consoles never die, they just get digitized. The Game Boy Color is one such system. You can find emulators of it running on PCs, Macs, PSPs, smartphones and even calculators. Here’s a GBC emulator for the cloud age: a JavaScript & HTML5 emulator that you can play on your browser.

game boy color emulator by grant galitz

The emulator was written by Software Engineering student Grant Galitz. Like most browser games, it doesn’t need you to install anything on your computer. It even has built-in games! You can also load .gb or .gbc files, although I wasn’t able to test that. I also don’t know how the emulator handles game saves.

Technically the emulator can run even on mobile browsers, but it was slow and unplayable on my iPad 2. Perhaps newer devices will fare better. Check out the emulator on Grant’s website before Nintendo falcon punches it down. You can also check out its source code at GitHub.

[via TechCrunch]

JavaScript/HTML5 GameBoy Color Emulator: Beat Bowser on Your Browser

Old consoles never die, they just get digitized. The Game Boy Color is one such system. You can find emulators of it running on PCs, Macs, PSPs, smartphones and even calculators. Here’s a GBC emulator for the cloud age: a JavaScript & HTML5 emulator that you can play on your browser.

game boy color emulator by grant galitz

The emulator was written by Software Engineering student Grant Galitz. Like most browser games, it doesn’t need you to install anything on your computer. It even has built-in games! You can also load .gb or .gbc files, although I wasn’t able to test that. I also don’t know how the emulator handles game saves.

Technically the emulator can run even on mobile browsers, but it was slow and unplayable on my iPad 2. Perhaps newer devices will fare better. Check out the emulator on Grant’s website before Nintendo falcon punches it down. You can also check out its source code at GitHub.

[via TechCrunch]

This is How Powerful Calculators are Today

Everyone’s talking about the new iPad or when the new Xbox is coming out, but did you know that Texas Instruments recently released a handheld console? It’s true! It plays Pokémon games! It’s also a graphing calculator.

ti nspire cx cas

Texas Instruments calls it the TI-Nspire cx CAS, but we might as well call it a Game Boy Color, because the calculator can be hacked to run an emulator for Nintendo’s console. Do a quick Google search and you’ll see that other TI-Nspire models can be installed with Game Boy and NES emulators as well. Just to rub it in your old Casio’s monochromatic face, here’s how you spell “boobs” on this calculator:

ti nspire cx cas 2


[via Reddit]