Smoking Boosted Boards recalled over battery issues

Last November, the folks behind the Boosted electric skateboard urged its customers to stop using their second-gen boards following battery "venting" until an internal investigation was complete. It turns out that those problems were the result of a...

New fuel cell tech could power phones for a week

No matter how efficient our devices get in terms of power usage, there's really only so much manufacturers can do given the limitations of the energy source: lithium-ion batteries. But researchers from Pohang University of Science and Technology in S...

UN group bans lithium battery shipments from passenger planes

Lithium-ion batteries, like those commonly used in laptops and smartphones, are no longer allowed to be shipped as cargo on passenger planes, the United Nation's International Civil Aviation Organization decided this week. There's no need to worry ab...

Huawei can quick-charge your phone without hurting its battery

That fast-charging smartphone you just bought has a dirty secret: more likely than not, it's reducing the lifespan or capacity of the battery to get that breakneck speed. Huawei doesn't think you should have to compromise, though. It just showed o...

Tiny lithium-ion battery recharges 1000x faster than rival tech, could shrink mobile devices

Researchers devise 'most powerful' batteries in the world, shame supercapacitors

Supercapacitors are often hailed as the holy grail of power supplies, but a group of researchers at the University of Illinois have developed a lithium-ion microbattery that leaves that prized solution in the dust, recharging 1,000 times faster than competing tech. Previous work done by Professor William P. King, who led the current effort, resulted in a fast-charging cathode with a 3D microstructure, and now the team has achieved a breakthrough by pairing it with an anode devised in a similar fashion.

The resulting battery is said to be the most powerful in the world, avoiding the usual trade-off between longevity and power while having a footprint of just a few millimeters. By altering its composition, scientists can even optimize the contraption for more juice or increased life. It's expected that the technology could make devices 30 times smaller and help broadcast radio signals up to 30 times farther, but it'll still be a while before it winds up in a super-slim phone within your pocket. For now, the researchers have their sights set on integrating the tech with other electronic components and investigating low-cost manufacturing.

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Via: Eureka Alert

Source: University of Illinois News Bureau

Boeing execs detail 787 Dreamliner battery changes, host Q&A session

Boeing says it has a fix for the battery problems that grounded its new 787 Dreamliner, and tonight executives are answering questions about the fixes. A Q&A live streamed on Boeing's website features president and CEO Ray Conner and VP / Chief Product Engineer Mike Sinnett talking about why they believe the airplane is safe to fly. According to Sinnett, the design of the battery has been changed, an enclosure was added and the charger has had its maximum charging levels reduced. For his part, CEO Conner plans "to fly on the very first flight." Hit the link for the ongoing stream, and see if their explanations satisfy any doubts you may have, or check out a detailed list of the changes after the break.

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Source: Boeing, Boeing Airplanes (Twitter)