Make a Mario Block Cake Filled with Edible Coins

There’s not much better than eating a tasty cake, except when said cake is Mario-themed, and filled with edible gold coins. Forget smashing your head on it to get those coins. Smash your face against it and gobble it up.

Los Angeles baker and author Rosanna Pansino of Nerdy Nummies shows us how to make this awesome Mario question block surprise cake filled with enough edible gold coins to get an extra life or two.

You can find the full recipe and the question mark template on her blog if you want to try making one for yourself. You’ll have to provide the Mario sound effects yourself of course.

[via Laughing Squid]

Mario Question Block Light Dispenses Light, Not Coins

Any child of the ’80s or retro gamer has probably played Mario Bros. at one time or another. If you have ever played that game you will remember the sound effects and the question mark box that got us so excited when we played. You never knew exactly what you would get when you bopped that box with your little 8-bit fist.

question-block-1zoom in

If you want t relive that box bopping feature in the real world, you need this Question Mark Block Light. The little lamp looks just like the box from the game and when you press its top, the light comes on and it makes the ping sound from the game.

No coins fly out of the box nor do mushrooms that make you bigger. Only a warm yellow glow spills out along with sounds to make anyone near you annoyed after a while. The light gets power from a USB port so you need either a wall adapter or a PC to run this thing. It sells for about $36(USD) at Firebox.

LEGO Question Block Ornament: Super Secret Santa Bros.

Chris McVeigh is on a roll. Shortly after releasing his tiny LEGO consoles, the man who calls himself Powerpig has released another miniature LEGO trinket. This one’s aimed at Christmas-loving gamers. It’s a LEGO question block ornament. Sadly, it doesn’t have any room inside for a coin, or anything for that matter.

lego question block ornament by chris mcveigh powerpig 620x620magnify

As with his other projects, Chris made a free pdf guide for building the question block ornament as well as a commercial ready-to-assemble LEGO kit. You can buy the kit from his shop for $17.50 (USD).

[via Insanelygaming]