On a High: First Marijuana Vending Machine is Rolled Out

Marijuana Vending Machine


Is there anything you can not get from a vending machine these days? The first marijuana vending machine–at least, in Colorado–was recently rolled out on the patio of Montana’s Smokehouse in Avon. It’s different from other pot-dispensing vending machines in the sense that it’s accessible by anyone. For example, marijuana vending machines already exist in California, but they’re often located behind counters so you wouldn’t be able to dispense it yourself.

However, even though access to the machine isn’t limited, access to marijuana is. Only those who are medical marijuana cardholders will be able to dispense the goods, since the machine is equipped with a scanner that verifies the person’s ID first before dispensing anything.

Stephen Shearin, who is the COO of Tranzbyte, explains that he believes the machine will be a lot of help for folks who might feel shy having to buy marijuana, even though they’re doing so legally.

VIA [ UberGizmo ]

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Japan Vending Machine Makes You Dance for Your Ice Cream

Japan is the king of weird vending machines. The country has over 5.6 million of them. They sell booze, eggs, crabs and even cars and undies. If you can think it up, they have a vending machine for it. Now a vending machine selling ice cream by Seventeen Ice will make you dance for your ice cream.
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The company has developed a vending machine that dispenses ice cream only when the user dances. You might as well get some exercise since you are eating junk.

It is similar to the Dance Dance Revolution arcade game. The user will have to dance to any of the 17 choreographed videos stored on the machine to get their treat. The machine will be on display for just one day on April 26th at Marui City Shibuya in Tokyo. If all snack machines were like this, we would all be thin.

[via Japan Trends and New Launches]

Comic Book Vending Machine Trades Coins for Geeky Reading Materials

I am a sucker for vending machines that dispense things that you don’t expect to find in a vending machine. One of my all time favorites was the vending machine that would sell you hot French fries. A teen named Chris Romberger has come up with what may be the second coolest vending machine I have ever seen.

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The teen’s machine has all sorts of comic books inside for you to purchase. The 19-year old teen has Down Syndrome and autism and worked with a job coach to open his business. The business is called Comic Man.

Inside the machine are a wide assortment of single edition comics. It’s unclear exactly how many issues the machine has sold since it opened. All we know is that it sold “several issues” in the first few weeks it was open. The teen keeps the machine stocked and is considering opening more in other locations.

[CBS Philly via NerdApproved]

Molson Canadian Beer Fridge Locks out Anyone Not from Canada

Beer is one of the most popular adult beverages in the world. We might not all like our beer the same temperature, but few things make us happier than free beer. One Canadian beer company has set off with an interesting campaign that might make Canadians the most popular people on the block.

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Molson Canadian took some automated beer refrigerators to various locations around Europe including London and Brussels. The bright red been fridges had the Canadian maple leaf on the front and a sign that read, “Canadians scan your passport to open fridge.” A special passport scanner inside verifies that it’s actually from Canada before opening the fridge door.

Molson recorded footage from the people trying to get the fridge open in different areas. In at least one place, a Canadian showed up, scanned his passport, and opened the fridge. The red box was stuffed to the gills with free Molson Canadian beer that was shared out creating an instant party.

The company recently brought the fridge to the Sochi Winter Olympics, offering up free beer to Canadian athletes.

[via AdWeek]

Amazon Tested Kindle Kiosk Vending Machines

Jeff Bezos’ Amazon is expanding into the retail sector. Its Kindle Kiosks will be installed at various spots such as airports and commercial malls. They are like chocolate vending machines with the...

Vending Machine Delivers Scares Instead of Free Treats

What would you do if you saw a vending machine offering free treats? You’d most likely jump at the chance to grab a couple of them before the machine runs out.

So there you are, thinking that it’s your lucky day, as you reach into the machine to get your treat…

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…but instead, begin screaming your head off when a dead-looking hand grabs yours.

I hate to break it to you, but you’ve just been had. This was probably the ghastly experience that people who chanced upon the Scares vending machine in Dublin, Ireland had. The entire set-up involved having comedian comedian Marcus Olaoire hide inside the machine and wait for unwitting victims to reach for a treat.

The entire thing was part of a Halloween publicity stunt for a snack company. Too bad they didn’t post a video of people’s reactions.

[Reddit via Laughing Squid]

French Fry Vending Machine Dispenses Hot Fries in 90 Seconds

French Fry Vending Machine

This is one vending machine that I’d love to see in my office.

It’s a french fry vending machine and it dispenses hot fries in less than two minutes. This particular machine is located in Chaussee de Gand-Steenweg op Gent in Brussels, Belgium and it costs €2.50 (about ~$3.35) for a cup of hot, crispy fries. Buyers can choose to have their fries topped with either mayo or ketchup, although it’s too bad the machine doesn’t allow you to get both. You get a generous serving in the cup and I’m definitely willing to fork over a couple of bucks to get my fill of fries anytime I want.

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My mouth is watering already.

VIA [ Incredible Things ]

Belgian Vending Machine Cooks and Serves French Fries in 90 Seconds

I don’t know about you, but this is a dream come true for me. This vending machine in Belgium cooks and serves fries in 90 seconds flat. I’m moving as soon as I book a flight.

frie machine

This is the world’s first coin operated vending machine that serves fresh fries. Or frites. Plus, this device cooks up your fries in hot beef fat instead of vegetable oil. Bacon fat would be better, but you can’t win ‘em all.

Just insert your €2.50 (~$3.36 USD) into the machine and in 90 seconds you’ll have hot fries, a fork and they are topped with your choice of mayonnaise or ketchup. At long last! Thank you technology.

[via The Guardian via Foodbeast]