Surf’s Up on the LEGO Rainbow Wave Machine

Look at that rainbow wave go. Taste the rainbow. I mean taste the LEGO. I mean, it’s just so wavy and pretty. Berthil van Beek makes many cool LEGO machines, but his latest machine is very very soothing and hypnotic.

This machine features 38 undulating colors and approximately 1,150 pieces. The colorful LEGO wave goes up and down while balls are fed to the top, riding said wave. Berthil was apparently inspired to create the machine after seeing the rainbow of colors available in LEGO’s Creator XXXL Box.

Now what I really want to see are little LEGO minifigs surfing this wave.

[via Brothers Brick via Nerd Approved]

Round Out Your Room


Sick of your square rooms? Use the WAVE to add a new dimension and rounder shape to any blasé space! With a variety of unit styles, you can dress up corners, create visual separation between spaces and add color to any room by simply mounting on the wall. Better yet, the shape and wool material damper sound and reduce echo for room acoustics that are as soft as the new visual!

Designer: Ola Giertz




Pro Surfer Creates Ultimate Wave Machine

Everything I know about surfing, I learned watching Blue Crush because Kate Bosworth. That is to say, I don’t know anything about surfing other than you stand on the board, and if someone gets on your wave you have to kick their ass. I learned that last part from Point Break.

slater-1zoom in

To keep his surf going all day long, pro Surfer Kelly Slater and his team have created the ultimate artificial wave machine. This amazing contraption creates uniform waves with barrels that surfers can ride in and waves that allow progression for tricks that need air. Check out this amazing machine in action in the video clip below.

The wave machine prototype is in use right now at a secret location. I’m not sure why all the secrecy, I wouldn’t think industrial espionage in the wave industry would be a big deal. He’s probably more concerned about random surfers stopping by and trying to use it.

Kelly’s wave maker could usher in a new era for surfing as a sport since uniform waves would potentially allow surfing in the Olympics, regardless of location.

[via Huffington Post]