Azodicarbonamide Found in Subway Bread

We consume so much junk food (and even health food) that contains harmful ingredients. From additives to preservatives these ten thousand coloring and flavoring agents may cause untold damage to the...

Subway: Chemical Found in Subway Bread

We consume so much junk food (and even health food) that contains harmful ingredients. From additives to preservatives these ten thousand coloring and flavoring agents may cause untold damage to the...

Yahoo’s Latest Acquisition is URL-Shortening Startup Bread

Bread began two years ago and progressed in its own right as a site where URL-shortening took place and people made money by promoting their products, services and events. According to the latest...

Transformers Fougassee Bread Loaves: Baked Goods in Disguise

While Autobots and Decepticons get their power from Energon, us humans still have to eat food. And what better way to keep your day going but with some delicious carbs!

transformers bread loaves

Thanks to our pal Chris-Rachael Oseland, the Transformers are ready to get in our belly once and for all. She based these Autobot and Decepticon logo breads on that pull-apart bread known in culinary circles as Fougassee.

autobot bread

decepticon bread

If you’re ready to transform some flour, sugar, yeast and water into bread, then check out the full recipe over on Kitchen Overlord.

Superman Bread, Dough of Steel

How did Superman get so big and strong? No kids, he didn’t drink his milk. The answer is this super bread. On Krypton it is but bread, but once it is touched by the Earth’s Sun, it becomes Superbread!

superman bread

We all wish that this could make us Superman. That would be pretty cool. Actually this bread was made by Chris-Rachael Oseland and it has the Superman insignia inside every slice!

superman bread 2

I don’t care what kind of a picky eater your kid is, if you serve this up, they will eat their sandwich. Plus, all of their friends at school will be blown away. You can find the illustrated instructions at Kitchen Overlord if you want to make some Superman bread for yourself.

Doctor Who Ood Rolls: Ood to the Last Bite

The Ood from Doctor Who are mysterious – and as it turns out, also very delicious. Chris-Rachael Oseland’s Ood dinner rolls look pretty adorable as well.

ood rolls

She used Hawaiian bread dinner rolls for the skulls and dyed the dough with maraschino cherry juice and bourbon vanilla for the tentacles. She used raisins for the eyes, and they are toasted to a light golden brown to get the faces just right.

Who knew that Ood food could look so good? Try saying that five times fast. So who is going to make these tonight? Can I come over? What time is good for you?

[via That's Nerdalicious]

Bread Suitcase is Probably Jam Packed

bread suitcase Bread Suitcase is Probably Jam Packed
Don’t be jelly of this suitcase. It looks like she’s all bready to go on a trip. Obviously packing is the yeast of her problems with this bread luggage. I really knead that bag but I can’t tell if this bread suitcase costs a lot of dough or not. It’s probably jam packed with all her clothes sandwiched in there. Believe it or not, it’s actually filled with peanut butter and jelly:
pb j suitcase Bread Suitcase is Probably Jam Packed
Boo…was kinda hoping it was actual luggage and not an art project from Andy Yoder. Yes we just booed a sandwich- sorry. Still cool though.

Bread Suitcase is Probably Jam Packed

Image Toaster Prints the Latest Images on Your Morning Toast

A picture speaks a thousand words. It might be hard to discern 6×6 pixel images on your morning toast, but at least you’ll be able to get a headstart on everyone when it comes to the day’s newest images on Google with the help of the Image Toaster.

toast printer a

The Image Toaster basically ‘prints’ (or rather, ‘toasts’) random new images from Google onto your toast. It was created by Dutch designer Scott van Haastrecht for a school project, but it has the potential to be something big.

toast printer

His toaster is still a prototype and needs to be tethered to a computer to work, although Scott explains that the final version of the toaster should be able to function via Wi-Fi and will only need a power cord to function.

Printing news or the most recent social media feeds on your morning toast? That could be a reality one day.

[Creative Applications via Co.Design via PetaPixel via C|NET]

Hue Toaster: Make Perfectly Brown Toast Each & Every Time

You know, when my toaster doesn’t get my piece of toast just right, I get really pissed off! OK, I don’t actually get that mad, but burnt toast is definitely an annoyance. Toaster tech hasn’t evolved much in the last century, but this smart toaster concept aims to take things into the 22nd century and beyond, at least for toast-making.

hue toaster concept

The Hue toaster was designed by Basheer Tome. It uses photo sensors to determine the color of bread as it toasts. Once it reaches your pre-selected level, it pops out the toast. The toaster automatically varies the toasting time depending on what you pop in, and does away with the need for special “bagel” or “frozen” modes.

hue toaster 2

A frozen piece of bread will take longer before it thaws. Thicker pieces of bread will take longer, but this toaster handles them all automatically.

While The Hue is still in the prototype stages, I hope it gets made to resolve all of our first-world, toaster-related problems.

[via Core77 via DVice]

Zelda Breadstick Sword: It’s Dangerous to Go Alone, Eat This!

We here at Technabob often feature cakes in the shape of geeky stuff, but more savory baked goods rarely seem to get their fair shake. Here’s one of the few times that a loaf of bread rises to such heights of perfection.

zelda breadstick

Tumblr contributor spacekat267 is a Zelda fan, and decided to bake himself a loaf of bread in the shape of Link’s sword – complete with TriForce markings on the hilt. He goes on to say that it “’twas delicious and most powerful with a side of Lon Lon Ranch.” Very funny, spacekat. Very funny, indeed.

Apparently, the breadstick sword was so well received that he decided that the next time he has time to bake a loaf, he’s going to crank out a Hylian bread shield to go with.

[via Kotaku]