Playing With Fire

So to speak! Humo is the non-conformist ashtray from Studio Nocc that explores the artistic side of smoking. The blown glass ashtray holds in the smoke like a windowed cage, creating interesting shapes and movement as it swirls inside. Masculine and timeless, it’s a sophisticated addition to any cigar room, lounge or man cave!

Designer: Studio Nocc

Yanko Design
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(Playing With Fire was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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A Smarter Stop Smoking Solution

Current e-cigarette designs leave it to the user to gradually reduce their own nicotine dosage until they’re prepared to quit entirely, but the notion that users who have trouble weaning in the first place will curb their own addiction is a dead-end road! The E-Volve system takes the user out of the equation. To smooth the process, the autonomous design fractionally reduces the nicotine output at a gradual level that is unnoticeable by the user. This also eliminates the need for complex capsule dosages and calculations, further reducing the effort it takes to quit.

Designer: Alexander James Margetts

Yanko Design
Timeless Designs - Explore wonderful concepts from around the world!
Shop CKIE - We are more than just concepts. See what's hot at the CKIE store by Yanko Design!
(A Smarter Stop Smoking Solution was originally posted on Yanko Design)

Related posts:

  1. Electronic Cigarette Helps You Stop Smoking
  2. Smooth Sophisticated Smoking
  3. Spacey Loo or Giant Smoking Pipe?

Disposable E-Cigarette is the Next Best Thing to a Cigarette

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E-cigarettes are one alternative for people who want to ease off smoking or for those who want to keep smoking without all the negative effects that come with it. Somewhere in between real cigarettes and e-cigarettes are the YJ4931 disposable e-cigarettes by the FirstUnion Group. The company has dubbed it the “world’s first long-lasting disposable e-cigarette” and claims that it can provide up to 400 puffs.

The disposable e-cigarettes utilize new battery materials with a new circuit controller and provides ultra-thick vapor, even under low voltage. The design itself replicates the typical look of most cigarettes. 

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With typical e-cigarettes, there’s no tar, smell, or ash. You definitely get the best of both worlds with this new player in the e-cigarette industry.

VIA [ Damn Geeky ]

The post Disposable E-Cigarette is the Next Best Thing to a Cigarette appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Quitbit Smart Lighter: Reverse Fitness Tracker

A lighter that can help you quit smoking? It may seem stupid at first, but the more I learn about Quitbit, the less ridiculous it seems. While it does help you light up – to ensure that you’ll take it with you – it also tracks your smoking habits and provides other motivational data and features to help you curb your bad habit.

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Quitbit tracks and displays how many sticks you’ve smoked and how long since you last had a cigarette. But like other fitness trackers, you’ll get more out of Quitbit by pairing it to a mobile device via Bluetooth and using its complementary app.

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The app can chart your habit in the long term, let you set the number of sticks, track how much money you’ve saved by cutting back and more. You can even lock its heating element at certain times or for a set amount of time.

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Like other Bluetooth-enabled accessories, Quitbit’s app can also remind you if you’ve left the device. Its battery lasts up to 100 lights or about a week.

Pledge at least $79 (USD) on Kickstarter to get a Quitbit as a reward. I think it would be more effective if it also showed how much damage you’re doing to your body with both your daily and long term smoking. Also its promo video shouldn’t have shown people smoking – it makes addicts crave for a smoke. I should know.

[via Engadget]


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