Animated Donkey Kong Wedding Cake: How High Can You Eat?

While we’ve certainly seen our fair share of cool video game inspired cakes over the years, this is the first time I’ve seen one that almost looks playable. By using projection mapping technology, this wedding cake has been turned into an animated version of Donkey Kong.

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Posh DJs and their pal Dan from Invader Visuals worked their magic with a set of boxy white cakes from MealsForReals to make this epically geeky cake come together. But enough talking about it, it only really makes sense if you see it in action:

Cool, no? It looks like it also has Dig Dug, Pac-Man and other modes, but the Donkey Kong level is the best since it fits so perfectly onto the tiers of the cake. I only wish the cake came with a joystick so you could play it before eating it.

P.S. If you loved the video’s soundtrack as much as I did, you can find the whole tune here.

[via Forever Geek]

Donkey Kong Christmas Tree Decorations: Happy Nintendolidays

Now that it’s after Thanksgiving, it’s officially okay to talk about Christmas, and put up the tree. But even if you picked out a festive blue spruce, do you know how you’re going to decorate it? Well, you could put some ordinary department store ornaments on it, or you could go full on geek.

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This set of Donkey Kong themed ornaments ($60) comes from Etsy artist LighterCases, and it includes everything you need to recreate the classic Nintendo arcade game on your Christmas tree. The set of 12 pieces includes girders, ladders, barrels, Jumpman and his Princess. To top things off, it comes with a Donkey Kong tree topper. Each piece is made from melted Perler beads to form the pixels.

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If you’re not into Donkey Kong, their shop has got lots of other fun holiday ornament sets, including Super Mario Bros., Excitebike, Zelda, Tetris, Mega Man, and even some South Park themed sets among others.

LEGO Custom Arcade Machines with a Punk Rocker to Pump Quarters in Them

If you have a LEGO town set up in your home, chances are it needs an arcade. A town without an arcade is just… well, sad. Luckily for you there are these Lego City Arcade Machines.

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This custom set of LEGO arcade games comes from Etsy seller TinyBricks and will cost you $69.99(USD).

You get six custom-built classics: TRON, Pole Position, Donkey Kong, Superman, Super Mario Bros. and of course Pac-Man. And as a special bonus, you also get a 1980′s Punk Rocker Minifig. Someone has to play these mini machines after all.

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They measure about 2.1” x 1.25”. Either have your own LEGO arcade or mix them with your other LEGO sets. Maybe you wanted to see an arcade inside of Hogwarts. Or maybe you feel that Jabba’s palace was in need of a TRON machine. The possibilities are endless.

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They look so cute and hungry for tiny quarters.

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Capsulekong Turns Your Coffee into a Game of Donkey Kong

If you drew a Venn diagram of gamers and coffee drinkers, I think you’d find there’s a pretty large intersection between the two groups. So what better way to store your coffee machine pods but in a game of Donkey Kong?

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Capsulekong is a wall-mountable storage solution for Nespresso drink pods, and was inspired by the classic 1980s video game. But this time, instead of barrels, Kong is rolling coffee pods at Jumpman as he tries to rescue Pauline at the top of the girders. As you load it up, the pods roll downhill – and every time you remove one, the whole thing sorta snakes down towards Jumpman.

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As an added bonus, this thing doesn’t look cheap. In fact, it’s made from anodized aluminum, and looks awesome. It holds exactly 50 drink pods when full, and can even hold the double-barrel shots. However, it won’t hold any flaming ones. If you’re wondering if Capsulekong will fit on your wall, it measures about 17.3″ high x 14.2″ wide x .31″ deep.

So put on your red overalls, get out your mallet and start pounding your way over to Hologramer to pick up your Capsulekong for $170(USD) today. Yes, I know that it doesn’t work with other brands of coffee pods, but I don’t care. This is enough reason for me to toss out my Tassimo and pick up a Nespresso machine instead.

[via Man of Many]

Donkey Kong Wall Rack for Coffee Capsules

donkey kong kcup Donkey Kong Wall Rack for Coffee Capsules
Looking for a geekier way to store your Nespresso® Coffee Pods? Meet CapsuleKong, a wall-mounted display holder for your capsules that’s modeled after the Donkey Kong game. Made of anodised aluminium, this rack can hold 50 pods. It’s got the flaming barrel, the jumping Mario, the princess, the angry gorilla, everything. The fun part is that the pods roll down the board themselves as you can see in the video:

Sure you can’t see what each pod is once it’s in the rack (nor can you take one out from the middle without taking them all out) but it’s more fun this way. And geekier. Every day is a potential Donkey Kong kill screen. Now about that $170 price tag…hmmmm. (via gizmodo)

Donkey Kong Wall Rack for Coffee Capsules