Oculus makes achievements a part of Gear VR and Rift games

Oculus is joining the ranks of Xbox Live, PlayStation Network, Steam and even GameCenter. That's right: Rift and Gear VR games are adding achievements. They're live in a handful of games now including Minecraft and Hitman Go and it'll only be a matte...

32 Ways to Dispatch a Target in the New Hitman Game

I’ve been playing Hitman games as long as they have been out there. I love the franchise and even liked the movies. The thing with Hitman is that you can use stealth and ideally, you only kill your target and no one else. The thing is I like to kill people in the digital realm, so I totally ignore that.

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I like to blast everyone with silly goals for myself such as shooting everyone in the balls or using only headshots. In the newest installment in the Hitman franchise, it looks like you have some serious options when it comes to killing people. The folks at Eurogamer put together this compilation of some of the many ways to take down a target in Hitman. Be forewarned, if you haven’t played the game, there are some spoilers in here:

A toilet bomb might be the coolest way to kill someone eve. I also like how you can drown them in a dirty bowl. I mean what’s worse than being drowned in a toilet with a floater circling your head?

[via Kotaku]

Live Action Hitman: Talkative Assassins

Realm Pictures wowed us last year with a new type of roleplaying game – chat-controlled live action first-person shooters. The company recently worked with developer IO Interactive to create another game based on its stealth series Hitman. This time the game was in third-person, but it was no less immersive.

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Realm Pictures invited popular YouTubers such as the folks behind Smosh Games and NukemDukem, as well as actress Jane Perry, the voice of Hitman‘s Diana Burnwood. Just like the previous games, the players talked to Agent 47 remotely. But this time they were also given helpful items such as blueprints of the stage and a laptop with fake hacking software.

That was exciting wasn’t it? Here’s how they made it happen:

Realm Pictures says the YouTubers will upload the full footage of their individual playthroughs on their respective channels. I hope we get to see Jane’s playthrough as well, because it sounded like she slipped into her character while playing.

[via Tastefully Offensive]


‘Hitman Go’ lands on PS4, Vita and PC next week

Hitman Go is an incredible mobile title that launched in 2014 and spawned a new line of subtle strategy games from developer Square Enix Montreal, including Lara Croft Go. Now, the Hitman Go: Definitive Edition is heading to PlayStation 4, Vita and P...

Square Enix Montreal gets what makes mobile games great

Apple recently named Lara Croft Go its game of the year, and deservedly so. But the back-to-basics 2D puzzler wasn't developer Square Enix Montreal's first stab at mobile gaming. The studio was initially formed to work on a now-cancelled Hitman proje...