Healthcare Wearable For Kids Tracks Well-Being, Stress And Developmental Insights In Real Time

Kiddo Healthcare Wearable for Kids (image via Facebook)What if you knew your child had a temperature or was coming down with something even before they displayed signs of it or said something? A new health care wearable for kids called "Kiddo" can help you do just that.

Vacuum Clicka Saves Food, Time, and Space

The Vacuum Clicka is an easy to use, portable and versatile gadget that’ll save you extra trips to the store. Unlike conventional vacuum sealing machines, the Vacuum Clicka is affordable and can be stashed away in a drawer.

Vacuum Clicka Saves Food, Time, and Space

The Vacuum Clicka is an easy to use, portable and versatile gadget that’ll save you extra trips to the store. Unlike conventional vacuum sealing machines, the Vacuum Clicka is affordable and can be stashed away in a drawer.

Tattoo Robot Created By French Designers Makes Its Internet Debut

Getting a robotic tattoo (image via Vimeo screengrab)Robots are inching their way into our lives. Now there's a machine with a robotic arm that applies simplistic tattoo designs to humans. Find out who's behind it and what the plans are for this futuristic machine and its application as far as commercial use.

Tattoo Robot Created By French Designers Makes Its Internet Debut

Getting a robotic tattoo (image via Vimeo screengrab)Robots are inching their way into our lives. Now there's a machine with a robotic arm that applies simplistic tattoo designs to humans. Find out who's behind it and what the plans are for this futuristic machine and its application as far as commercial use. (VIMEO)

The Invention Of The Dallas Robot Bomb

The Invention Of The Dallas Robot Bomb In the 21st Century, robots have become ever omnipresent in many areas of human endeavor. From IBM Watson’s ability to beat top-ranked contestants on the popular TV quiz show Jeopardy to drones utilized as remote bombers to artificial intelligence taking on a myriad number of human tasks, robots are widely used in such diverse fields as academia as well as on the battlefield. But the robot bomb used in Dallas on July 7 marks the first-time robotic technology has ever been considered for weaponry by a U.S. police force.

Crazy Wheels Let Car Do the Electric Slide

You may have never heard of omni-directional car wheels. I certainly hadn’t. What that means are wheels and tires that allow the vehicle to move in any direction you need it to within the length of its body. Just watch the bitchin’ Toyota Echo in this video equipped with omni-directional wheels and tires invented by William Liddiard.

liddiard_wheels_tzoom in

The special wheels allow the car to spin, slide, and move in ways that no normal car can match. The builder doesn’t let on just how he created these wheels, but says the tires use the same materials normal tires do, and the tires are subject to an incredible 24,000 pounds of torque.

The video show the tires moving in a rolling fashion, moving the car around like it’s on the shoulders of millions of ants who want to eat the car or dinner. Check it out, and watch these cool wheels in action. I rather need these for parallel parking.

Cleaning Beans Keep Bottles Clear And Bright

Bottle Cleaning BeansA lot of reusable bottles have very narrow openings. They certainly aren’t wide enough to cram your hand in there and scrub all the nooks and crannies. One option is to get a new bottle, but instead you could pick up some magic beans. Bottle Cleaning Beans are specially designed bottle scrubbers.

James Dyson Awards 2016 Targets Design, Not Brand

While his name is synonymous with a revolutionary redesign and deconstruction of the standard vacuum cleaner, and his TV advertisements are a master class for inventors to promote their own products, industrial-design icon James Dyson is not a fan of branding.