Volvo is testing self-driving cars with real families

Picture a self-driving car test in your head and you probably see an engineer or two scrutinizing data... and no one else. Everyday people, if they're present at all, tend to be relegated to the back seat. Volvo is trying something different: it ju...

Julian Assange: I’ll turn myself in if Chelsea Manning walks

America's most wanted hackers apparently think they've got some leverage over the US government. The ACLU last week began petitioning the Obama administration for a full pardon for Edward Snowden and, on Thursday, Julian Assange announced that he wou...

ICYMI: Supersonic jetliner, the issue of sea sponge and more

Today on In Case You Missed It: NASA gave Lockheed Martin $20 million to make a preliminary design of a supersonic jetliner that will break the sound barrier without a sonic boom. Stanford students are putting a self-driving Audi through a race cou...

Volvo is the latest to add phone-free Spotify to its rides

Volvo has been involved with a fair bit of high-tech stuff as of late but the latest announcement from the company is a little less fantastical than garbage collecting robots. The Swedish car manufacturer is partnering with Stockholm-based Spotify fo...

Exoplanet census suggests Earth really is special

There are an estimated 700 million trillion terrestrial planets in the observable universe. Among them, Earth may very well be one of a kind according to a new study from Uppsala University in Sweden. Astronomer Erik Zackrisson and his team have been...

Fighting games to fairy tales: The unlikely story of ‘Unravel’

Unravel is a thoughtful, heartwarming game that feels like mix of LittleBigPlanet, Limbo and Hans Christian Andersen's Thumbelina, all wrapped up in a cozy sweater your grandmother just finished knitting. If it weren't a digital-only title, its disc...