Man Gets Prosthetic Tattoo Gun Arm

French tattoo artist JC Sheitan Tenet lost his arm 22 years ago, and as much as that must have been traumatic for him at the time, he recently got a tattoo gun prosthetic, so he is probably feeling like an awesome cyborg right about now.

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The prosthetic arm is thanks to artist JL Gonzal, who modded an existing prosthetic with a dieselpunk style tattoo gun. It looks like he is creating some awesome tattoos with this arm too.

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It’s awesome that he can continue to create his art with this new appendage.

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You can check out a video below of him tattooing with the arm. I couldn’t do work like that with both of my human arms. JC rocks at his craft.

[via Bored Panda via Geekologie]

ICYMI: 7-D heart MRI, astronaut cups and tech tats

Today on In Case You Missed It: NASA just shipped the astronauts on the International Space Station a cup that will let them almost drink like earthlings. GE announced scanning tech that would reveal the intricacies of the heart far quicker than conv...

This Sketchbook Full of Synthetic Skin Helps Tattoo Artists Practice

This is creepy, but also cool. Most artists get to practice their craft until they are great at it. Tattoo artists don’t have that luxury. Their medium is flesh and people have to live with their mistakes. So they practice on things like oranges and raw chickens. Not anymore.

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Brazilian ad agency Lew’Lara TBWA was commissioned by Tattoo Art Magazine to create a sketchbook filled with pages made from artificial skin to help tattoo artists. So the SkinBook was created. Now artists can now test out ink new designs and techniques easily. The pages even come pre-printed with body part images.

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Now there is really no excuse for a bad tattoo.

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[via Gizmodo via Fashionably Geek]