Japan has delayed the Fukushima nuclear plant cleanup again

There's been another delay in the plan to clean up the Fukushima nuclear plant. The Japan Times reported today that the country's government approved another revision to the cleanup schedule that will push removal of radioactive fuel rods from reacto...


If I told you that a garbage bin won a design award in Sydney and the coveted IxDA interaction design award, you’d wonder what I was talking about. Well, TetraBIN is literally (litter-aly!) an award winning trash can. Why is that? Because it makes trash disposal so unique and fun, it became an instant iconic art-installation in itself!

The bin is separated into three compartments, and has a massive 8-bit style screen on the outside, running all around the periphery of the bin. When switched on, the bin runs its own version of the block-dropping game Tetris, allowing you to somewhat maneuver the blocks by throwing garbage into the bin. Turn debris to tetris I say!

Designer: Tetrabin






Researchers find a new way to convert heat into electricity

When we think about ways to make existing power plants more efficient, we typically look at waste heat. It's something almost everything generates -- coal plants, automobiles and even your refrigerator loses a sizeable amount of energy to lost heat....