Twitter Ads are now available for everyone in the U.S.

Twitter has just announced that Twitter ads is now officially available to all users in the U.S. The social site seems to be tearing a page out right from Facebook's playbook as it pushes advertising...

Social Media For Pets, Duh

Sometimes I do wonder if my dogs are bored throughout the day. I can add in some extra fetch time, outdoor play, or a neighborhood stroll. Buuuut, I could also just hook them up with a profile on My Social Petwork. Just like Facebook, but for pets, owners begin with creating a profile for their pals, and then posting their pictures, sharing interesting information and making them some new friends. The site’s owners are hoping that people with more exotic pets will use the site and its wont be restricted to just cats and dogs. I know my little poodle mutts would love to meet up with something cool like an iguana or pot belly pig, don’t you think?

Cheater Alert: Editable Bottle Label Cheat Sheet

Water bottles are basically banned in most exams I’ve taken, and it’s easy to see why. Students can get so creative at cheating that even a pen itself can be used for that purpose. Case in point? The White Weasel’s editable and printable Aquafina label that lets students create cheat sheets that look like water bottle labels.

water weasel fake label

The only challenge is finding a printer that can print this stuff on shiny plastic. It’ll look way suspicious if you showed up to the test with a water bottle wrapped in printed paper, don’t you think? Especially if you keep staring at it during the duration of the test. Now that’s a dead giveaway.

fake water label

But all kidding aside, we don’t condone cheating in any way, so if you do have a test coming up, get off the Internet and crack those books open. Your future self will thank you for it.

[via Geekologie]

Twitter for Mac receives new improvements

It's been a long time coming. After months and months of waiting, Mac users can finally enjoy a better and slicker Twitter app. Announcing the good news today on its official blog, Twitter's very own...

The Top 5 Costliest Tweets

The AP Twitter account got hacked this week and a fake White House bombing message was posted sending the market down quite a bit. Quentin Fottrell joins The WSJ Tech News Hub with a look some of the...

CBS Twitter Feeds Compromised and Suspended

A Pro-Assad organization of hackers has shown its true colors by hacking two CBS Twitter feeds. The personnel at Twitter spoke of how they were sorry for the inconvenience this delay in normal...

Trashswag Proves That One Man’s Trash is Another Man’s Treasure

You know that table top and dresser you’ve been meaning to throw out for the past couple of years now? Someone could actually use that. And those old clocks and broken chairs? Someone out there is willing to take them off your hands and fix it or salvage it for parts.

Helping you connect with that someone is Trashswag.

trashswag 3

Trashswag is an web-based app that turns collecting and recycling trash into a social activity. The Toronto-based app lets users report stuff that they’re throwing out or have seen in the streets that have been thrown out by their neighbors. Users can snap pictures of the stuff they’ve seen so that others can gauge if they’re worth picking up or recycling.

trashswag 1

There are also a bunch of categories on the app like like furniture, wood/lumber/timber, building materials, architectural salvage or garage/yard sale to make browsing easier.

trashswag 2

There’s no word on if or when Trashswag will come to other cities, but if you’re looking for junk on the streets of Toronto, check it out here.

[via Pop Up City]

The Distance to Mars: Measured in Pixels

I’m pretty sure that many people have trouble understanding stellar distances. Even Mars, one of the closest planets, is really far away by Earthly measurement standards. Check out this great and simple web animation on how far away Mars actually is from Earth.

distance to mars

The Distance to Mars website was made by David Paliwoda and Jesse Williams, and it shows you just how far away Mars really is. Just click the down arrow on the website, and start your accelerated ride to the red planet, as measured in pixels.

There are plenty of different proposals for manned missions to Mars, but they face a lot of challenges, due to the vast distances involved. At the current level of technology, it would take astronauts about 150 days to travel to Mars one way. The date for a manned expedition hasn’t been confirmed, but there are a couple of windows when Mars would be at its closest to Earth. The nearest one is in the 2030s followed by one in the 2050s.

[via SwissMiss]

April Fools’ Day On the Internet

It’s kind of hard to know what’s real and what’s fake on any normal day on the internet, so April Fools’ day is pretty tricky. Actually, it’s not that tricky if you just assume that everything you see is fake. That also goes for normal days… because the internet is full of a bunch of liars. Even so, here are some of our favorite April Fool’s day pranks we’ve come across today.


Hulu Promotes Itchy and Scratchy and Other Fake Titles

If you head over to Hulu today you’ll see promos for spoof TV shows like the Itchy and Scratchy show and Inspector Spacetime. If you click on one of the promos you can watch clips from the shows—but of course not until after you watch a real ad because it’s still Hulu.

YouTube: The Contest is Over

According to this video, YouTube has only been a giant contest for the greatest video ever and it’s finally over. Tonight, YouTube will no longer be accepting submissions and they’re going to spend the next decade picking a winner. The video features tons of YouTube stars like Antoine Dodson, the “Charlie Bit Me” kid and Obama Girl. (I personally vote for Harlem Shake – version Banana.)


The Chive North Korean Takeover

The Chive, normally known for pictures of boobs and funny stuff, has been taken over by North Korea. The site is covered with photos of dictators and articles with titles like, “Our beloved Dear Leader, Kim Jong-il, is gone, but glorious facts about him will live forever (10 Photos)” and “Daily Morning Everything is Glorious All the Time (30 Photos & Video).”


UncommonGoods Becomes UncommonCats

One of our favorite sites for finding unique gifts, UncommonGoods, has changed their direction a bit. The new site, UncommonCats replaces categories like “For Men,” and “For Dogs” with “For Toms” and “For the Enemy.” Also, don’t forget to sign up for their CATalog!


Google Nose

If anyone’s going to be able to create the technology to smell search results, it’s Google right? Don’t miss their other new service, AdScent.


Aliens Chestburster in a Can and More from ThinkGeek

If you’re a regular ThinkGeek shopper than you already know the deal with their April Fool’s day pranks. The coolest thing about these fake items that is that many of them eventually become real things you can buy.


DeviantArt Launches Dating Site for Artists

Considering that there are dating sites specifically for Trekkies and Sea Captains, a dating site for Artists doesn’t sound that unusual really.


Vimeo Becomes Vimeow

Vimeo is typically known to be a bit more sophisticated and highbrow than YouTube, so you certainly wouldn’t expect to see random cat videos there. But after realizing that cat videos are not just a trend, they’ve decided to change their stripes and become Vimeow.

Google Treasure Maps

Google created a treasure maps mode to help decipher some Pirate map they found—man, I don’t know—that premise is shaky. But this video is pretty funny and the mode in Google Maps is awesome to look at. (Just go to Google Maps and hit the Treasure button.)


Netflix Adds Even Weirder Categories

Netflix has some oddly specific categories sometimes like “Supernatural Thrillers with a strong female lead.” But today they’ve rolled out some even weirder ones like “Movies Starring Fruits, Vegetables and Fungi” and “Movies Featuring an Epic Nicolas Cage Meltdown.”

Gmail Blue

I can’t believe I waited this long for this!


Thrillist’s Newest Editor is a Horse

…for some reason. Check out all articles by A Horse.

So what’s your favorite April Fool’s day prank online? Tell us in the comments.

Walmart Considers Crowdsourced Delivery: People of Walmart Postal Service

There are clearly some executives at Walmart who have never actually ventured into one of their stores to see some of the unusual customers who frequent the world’s biggest retailer. While the vast majority of people in Walmart stores are reasonably normal, but there are a select few that nobody wants to seeEver. That isn’t stopping Walmart from considering an interesting way to get online orders to people more quickly and at a lower price.

wm customer

Walmart executives are reportedly considering a crowdsourced delivery service. This delivery service would allow Walmart customers to pick up other people’s packages and deliver them to the people on their way home. Apparently, the idea is that Walmart would offer the customer delivering the package a discount on their purchase for doing so.

I can only imagine one of the many People of Walmart turning up at your door with your online order in hand – if they don’t steal it first. Walmart executives say that the crowdsourced shipping service is feasible and could turn up in the next few years. I think I’ll pass.

[via Reuters]