The Gummy Pickle is the Greatest Gummy Since the Bear

I’m a huge fan of gummy bears, but not the crap stale ones from Haribo you get down at Walmart that leave you with an aching jaw. I’m more into the always soft and yummy Albanese variety. I also happen to love pickles, and was famous for my pickle concoctions growing up that basically involved pouring all the stuff in the spice cabinet on the pickles and eating them no matter how disgusting.

Given my affinity towards gummies and pickles, VAT19 is showing off something I want to try badly. It’s a giant gummy pickle. Naturally, the gummy tastes like a sour dill pickle, none of that sweet pickle bullshit here.

You can get your own gummy pickle via VAT19 for $5.99, plus another $4.99 for shipping. They’re currently out of stock, but more are coming soon. Or you can hop over to Amazon and get one for $14.48. Yes, that is a lot for a gummy pickle. Don’t judge me!

[via Laughing Squid]

Chocolate Canon 5D Camera: Smile and Say “Cacao!”

Do you like photography? How about chocolate? Now you can combine these two fun pastimes into a single experience thanks to these fully-edible cameras made from the delectable sweet treat.

Candy maker Angelina of Chocolate Presents offers up a variety of tasty edibles, including this edible Canon EOS 5D Mark III digital SLR. It’s guaranteed not to take pictures, but it’s also guaranteed to be delicious in your belly.  Keep in mind that this chocolate camera is 1/2 scale, so you’ll need to eat two of them if you’re craving a full frame sensor.

You can grab one over on Etsy today for about $20, in either milk or dark chocolate. Chocolate SD card not included.


Gaming Dice Made out of Sugar Candy: Roll Then Eat

Roll a critical hit for diabetes while you kill monsters with these edible candy tabletop gaming dice sets from Etsy shop SugarAndDiceCrafts. Each set includes one each of these seven dice: a d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d20 and a d100 percentage die.

These sugary treats come in various colors and two dice sizes, regular for $15, and mini for $8 a set. You can use these to play your campaign and then eat them at the end of the night. Also, eat them whenever you roll a critical fail because they deserve it and you need vengeance. Hopefully, this works, and they don’t just melt in your hand. Of course, if they do, you could always melt yourself an Infinity Gauntlet around your hand to help with your roll. That would be badass.

My question is, why has a candy company not started mass producing these so I can buy them at the store? Willy Wonka’s game has really been slipping. Enough with the golden tickets already and get back to work rotting kids teeth you freak. Damn. Dentists are depending on you.

[via Boing Boing via Geekologie]

Reese’s Peanut Butter Cup Lip Balm: You Got Your Peanut Butter Lips on My Chocolate Lips!

Reese’s peanut butter cups are one of the most evil things on earth – not because they taste bad, but because they’re so addictive that you can’t just eat a couple of them and be satisfied. Halloween is the worst, since you’ll end up buying a bag “for the kids,” and end up gorging yourself on them while you wait for the doorbell to ring.

Fortunately, there’s a solution! Now you can enjoy the flavor of Reese’s all the time without the carbs, fat, and calories.

These Reese’s lip balms are based on the exact flavors of the milk chocolate and peanut butter that Reese’s uses in their delectable candy. For $12(USD) over at Firebox, you’ll get a set of tasty and aromatic lip balms, along with a presentation tin, so they make a great gift too.

Just don’t try to eat them all in one setting like I did with those Reese’s minis last Halloween.

Rubik’s Candy Cube Comes Pre-Solved

Do you like puzzles? Well you won’t have any fun solving this one, because not only does this Rubik’s Cube come solved straight from the factory, it’s not really a puzzle at all. But there is one good thing about this version of the classic ’80s puzzler. It’s filled with candy.

I suppose you could turn the top part of this tin cube to one of its four possible positions, but that’s not much of a challenge now, is it? Boston America might have missed the mark by not actually providing a functional puzzle cube here, but they’ve done right by packing it with delicious and colorful fruit sours, so at least you can get your sugar fix.

You can grab the Rubik’s Candy Cube from Economy Candy for $2.80(USD) per tin, or $33.60 for a 12-pack.

Make Your Own Giant Gummy Squid!

There are lots of people out there who love the taste of squid, but I’m not one of them. I think it might be the rubbery texture that gets me, but I also don’t think it tastes like much of anything, so why bother giving my jaws the workout? On the other hand, I could get behind chomping on squid if it were made from deliciously sweet gummy candy.

With this kit from Takara Tomy A.R.T.S., you can make your own giant gummy squid. The kit comes with everything you need to make this chewy delicacy, along with two other bits of gummy marine life – a goofy looking blobfish, and one of those adorable flapjack octopi – like the one in the video below:

I’m not sure what flavor the candies are, nor if you can make them in different colors besides orange, purple, and green, but beggars can’t be choosers when it comes to gummy squid.

You can order the kit from Amazon for about $30 (USD), which includes shipping from Japan. It looks like you can get a giant gummy megamausuzame, which appears to be some kind of a shark.

This Cotton Candy Burrito Must Be What Unicorns Poop

I like me some burritos, but I am a burrito snob. I once ate a gas station breakfast burrito and my anus hated me for a week. I now stick with burritos I see being made to order from Chipotle; thankfully they are on approximately every corner in Colorado Springs. That all said, I would SO eat this cotton candy burrito.

This cotton candy burrito comes from a place in Sarnia, Ontario called Sugar Sugar and it has a ice cream core wrapped in cotton candy. It sort of looks like a unicorn turd, but a turd I would eat the sprinkles out of. I wonder when my trusty dog Jetty McJetface eats a turd if this is what his little doggy eyes see?

I hope those colored dots inside are actually Nerds candy and not sprinkles. The best thing Dairy Queen ever made, and then discontinued, was the Nerds Blizzard. I want this so bad.

[via That’s Nerdalicious]

Sweet Heat Skittles Are Hot Stuff

I can get behind sweet things that are kind of spicy. I am a big fan of Hot Tamale candies and have been known to mow through a pack or two of Red Hots a year. I was in the gas station over the weekend and noticed they have a hot Pepsi flavor now so sweet hot things are in. If you need any more proof just look at these new Sweet Heat Skittles, which turned up at the Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago last week.

They have several flavors inside each bag, but we don’t know what they will be yet. All we know for now is that they will have “fruity flavors with a spicy kick.”

I’d be all in on a bag of cinnamon Skittles, but I am not sure about this. I’m not a big fan of spicy fruit or things that are hot just to be hot. I’d totally try these though to see if they are decent. We’ll have to wait a while to find out though. They’re not supposed to be available until December.

[via Mashable]

This Woman Turned Thousands of Starburst Wrappers Into a Dress

I would say taste the rainbow, but that’s Skittles’ slogan. Starburst’s slogan is apparently “Unexplainably Juicy.” So would this outfit be Unexplainably Juicy Couture? Emily Seilhamer is clearly an awesome seamstress. She wove together this amazing dress out of thousands of Starburst wrappers. She probably had to visit the dentist a few times too.

She’s basically the Willy Wonka of clothing. Emily collected over ten thousand Starburst wrappers and turned them into a dress that actually looks pretty sweet. She used every color in the Starburst rainbow. I’m not sure how sturdy it is, but I bet it smells amazing. You could get a Starburst contact high off this dress for sure.

[via Bored Panda via Neatorama]