Tech to Control Your Coffee Addiction!


Love my coffee… hate the jitters! They’re somewhat avoidable, however. If you’re forgetful or like me and simply ignorant of how much you’re drinking, you can help prevent over-caffeinating with the Caffe thermos! It aims to help improve this bad habit by alerting the user not only when it’s time to have coffee, but also when it’s time to stop.

It syncs wirelessly with your smartphone and sends notifications when you’ve had too much or not enough joe. It also tracks habits over time and allows you to look at the bigger picture to navigate those caffeine cravings. The lid is also pretty smart, utilizing an integrated thermal paper indicator ensures that you never burn your tongue by show you exactly how hot the liquid is. You’ll always have the perfect cup with Caffe, and never too much of it!

Designer: Meraki Sisters










The Legend of Zelda Golden Flask: The Missing Drink

Back in the NES days, the game cartridges were typically all grey. One of the cool things about The Legend of Zelda was that the cartridge was golden and shiny. If you ever played that game, you will immediately recognize this Zelda Hydration Cartridge.

This flask with a straw is a not so subtle way to smuggle your favorite booze into the office or the big game. The rubber cap that keeps the cartridge from spilling goes in that little area where you would grip the original Nintendo cartridges.

The golden game flask will hold 5-ounces of liquid and is hand wash only. It’s not microwavable and will hold cool liquids only. The cartridge is $19.99(USD) at ThinkGeek, plus any cost to your liver.

Handy Hyundai Stuff!


Much like their motorcars, the Hyundai Collection was designed with restraint and sustainability in mind. The collection expresses simplicity in the form of unique travel products including: a stool, flask, lunch box and spoon set. Basic necessities especially when you’re following the road less traveled. Reduced to their essence without material waste, the concept of the Hyundai Collection represents an effort to bring to life a modern premium experience beyond the automobile.

Designers: Sung Junggi, Nicholas Sharp & Pablo Velazquez




Handy Hyundai Stuff!


Much like their motorcars, the Hyundai Collection was designed with restraint and sustainability in mind. The collection expresses simplicity in the form of unique travel products including: a stool, flask, lunch box and spoon set. Basic necessities especially when you’re following the road less traveled. Reduced to their essence without material waste, the concept of the Hyundai Collection represents an effort to bring to life a modern premium experience beyond the automobile.

Designers: Sung Junggi, Nicholas Sharp & Pablo Velazquez




CKIE Product of the week – Portobello Mug


You know how you judge a person for being someone and then that very same person turns out to be pretty awesome and you feel regret? The Portobello Mug’s resonates with that previous sentence, believe me.

At first glance, you’re bound to think, hey, there’s just another white tumbler for your beverage of choice; but NO! That’s where this Clark Kent rips his white shirt to show you his Superman suit underneath! The Portobello Mug isn’t a simple ceramic tumbler! It’s actually a pretty nifty flask. That’s right, it has the ability to keep your drink warmer than usual, even with the liquid exposed to the atmosphere at the top of the mug. The mug has a matte finish that makes it great to hold, a silicone base so it doesn’t slide off any lopsided surface, and a drool-worthy gold lustre pattern that looks like Andy Warhol Vs. the Lunar Calendar.

So… Head down to the CKIE store, grab this mug, and be the coolest person with the hottest drink at your local barista!

Available at: CKIE [Buy it here]







StashPad Holds Your Booze and Cigars Discretely

iPad Flask

If you’ve been caught sneaking drinks in one too many times, then you should do away with your old methods and try using the StashPad for a change. It looks like an iPad (okay, maybe a knockoff iPad seeing as it’s way thicker than Apple’s tablets), but it’s actually a flask and cigar case in disguise. It’s thick for a good reason too– all 12 ounces of it, because that’s the volume of drinks it can effectively stash for you.

Just make sure you don’t attempt to actually use the StashPad, whether as a tablet (in case you forget) or as a flask, in front of your boss or you’ll risk giving yourself away. The StashPad is currently up for funding on Kickstarter, where a minimum pledge of $15 will get you one of your very own.

[ Incredible Things ]

Gaming Cartridge Flasks: Drunk Hunt

Way back in 2013, we talked a bit about some gaming cartridge flasks that were on Kickstarter seeking the money to come to market. Like many projects on Kickstarter, we promptly stopped following it once it raised the money it needed. If you liked that idea and have always wondered where you could get one, ThinkGeek is the answer.

drunkhuntzoom in

These two flask cartridges appear to be the same from the Kickstarter project, but I don’t know that for sure. While on Kickstarter, you could choose from several cartridges. On ThinkGeek, you get two choices, the Legend of Drink or Drunk Hunt. They look like old school Nintendo cartridges and hold six ounces of booze. Construction is from BPA-free food grade ABS polymer, and they’re $19.99(USD) each.

Hollow Bible Flask: Just Make Sure You Don’t Bring It to Church

Hollow Bible Flask

In times of need, don’t turn to the bottle. Turn to friends, family, your significant other, or to your bible. After having a good talk, you can now turn to your other bible–the one that’s hollow in the middle. It’s hollow for a reason–a very good reason–because that’s where a six-ounce flask lies instead of, well, the pages of a bible.

It conceals that flask better than any bag or jacket can. The Hollow Bible flask is available online for $65.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ TIWIB ]

The post Hollow Bible Flask: Just Make Sure You Don’t Bring It to Church appeared first on OhGizmo!.

Extra Shot Coffee Mug for That Extra Pick Me Up

If a cup of coffee doesn’t do it for you anymore, then you might need an extra shot of something to really perk up your mornings – and that’s precisely what the Extra Shot Coffee Mug was designed for.

At first glance, it’s your typical coffee mug, but it comes with a neat little attachment that makes all the difference.Extra Shot Coffee Mugmagnify

Tucked in a leatherette strap around the circumference of the mug is a teeny tiny flask that can hold a shot of whatever you feel like having with your coffee. Fill it with milk or creamer for regular days but pour in some of that good stuff for that extra kick you need.

The Extra Shot Coffee Mug is available from Perpetual Kid for $14.99(USD).

[via LikeCool]