This Phone is Bananas

Bananas are a roughly phone shaped fruit that begs someone to hold it up and try to talk on it. If you want an actual banana phone, this is what you need. Its shaped like your favorite yellow fruit and connects to your mobile phone via Bluetooth. It’s perfect for conducting all of your monkey business.

The Banana Phone has volume buttons and an answer and end call button as well. The mic is on the bottom and looks like a peeled banana, the speaker is on top. An LED indicator button shows connectivity. It can also activate Siri or Google Assistant. Features aside, what’s important is that it looks like a banana.

The Banana Phone is on Indiegogo and part of the proceeds to to Gearing Up 4 Gorillas, a charity supporting mountain gorillas. A single Banana Phone sells for $40 and includes stickers and a charger. Assuming they reach their funding goal, they should start shipping around September.

[via Laughing Squid]

This Guy Serves and Slices Fruit with a Custom Air Cannon

Wanna serve some sliced fruit to your neighbors from your own yard? That’s what Ben Cusick aka NighthawkInLight did with this awesome air cannon. He built a custom end for the weapon which has slicing blades, so you can shoot fruit all day long and serve it up sliced to perfection. This gun will put fruit ninjas out of business.

It can accept several different slicing blades for different sized fruit bullets too. He demonstrates how to build the specialty barrel for his custom high power air cannon in the video below:

It looks like a pretty easy build if you have even a little experience building things, but be careful, this could really hurt someone. After all, you want to enjoy the fruits of your labor.

[via Laughing Squid]

Steampunk Clockwork Cherry Pie is Gear-o-licious

I’m not a huge fan of most pies this side of lemon, but I’d totally eat this steampunk cherry pie. It looks awesome with a top crust that looks like a bunch of gears and clock parts.

Pies Are Awesome did a great job replicating the look of a watch mechanism, with lots of gears and mechanical bits made from pie crust.

If you’re the sort of geek that likes to cook and eat, you can make one of these for yourself. Check out the video from Pies Are Awesome for instructions on how to bake your own steampunk gear pie.

[via Laughing Squid]