Awesome Reversible Scarf Tells The Story of ‘The Hobbit’ On Both Sides

Hobbit Scarf


So The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug still reigns supreme in the box office. Whether you’re going to watch it for the first, second, or nth time, why don’t you show a bit of support and lots of love for the franchise by wrapping this Hobbit-inspired scarf around your neck? The images on the scarf might seem random at first. But if you look closely, then you’ll notice that it’s actually a graphic retelling of The Hobbit.

The imagery on the scarf begins with Bilbo Baggins’ journey from the Shire and back again. Get your knitting needles out and start knitting this as if Smaug were after you.

The pattern is available at Ravelry for $5.

[ Product Page ] VIA [ io9 ]

Tolkien biopic in the works

Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy was a huge success, bagging countless awards and billions of dollars. With the release of Jackson's "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" last year and...

Middle Earth comes to life in epic Chrome experiment

We're go out on a limb here and say that the Venn diagram of Engadget fans and Tolkien fans looks something like this. So, we figure you'll probably want to hear about a brand new Chrome experiment that brings various parts of Middle Earth to life, including the Trollshaw and Dol Guldur. It starts with a pretty simple interactive map, but from there you're able to dive into several locations and learn about Hobbit lore through text, animations and audio. At the end of each lesson on Tolkien's fantasy world, you're challenged to complete a simple mini game that has you causing flowers to bloom or avoiding troll attacks. While the WebGL-powered games are pretty impressive, its the HTML5 audio and animations that are the real eye-candy here -- doubly so since they work just as well on a phone or tablet as they do your desktop. As you swipe through slides in the story, camera angles change in coordination with your finger and characters dart across bridges. Honestly, even if you're part of that tiny sliver in the diagram that can't stand Tolkien, it's worth checking out the latest Chrome Experiment, if only to remind yourself of the growing power of the web browser.

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Source: Chromium Blog

Watch New Middle-earth is Closer Than You Think Video from Air New Zealand

 Air New Zealand landed a viral internet hit with their Hobbit themed commercial in 2012. Today Air New Zealand released another ad titled Middle-earth is Closer Than You Think. It is about Air...

Hobbit Hole Camping Trailer for Hobbits on the Move

Hobbits don’t need much room, although they do like a little space in their home, which is why they usually build theirs in the sides of hills. However, today’s Hobbit is a busy creature. Always on the go, starring in this movie and that movie. That’s why this Hobbit hole camper is perfect for the modern hobbit on the go.

hobbit camper

Samm1t’s amazing, scratch-built travel trailer would be perfect for today’s Hobbit and they could even live in it while they film their movies. They need a comfy place, since those movies are so very long after all.

hobbit hole trailer inside

The finished camper has ample hobbit sleeping quarters and even a pop-open kitchen on the back. And the AstroTurf roof not only looks great, it provides protection from the elements.

hobbit hole trailer open

Check out the full build log and many more pics over on Imgur. Great job, Samm1t!

[via Reddit]

The Desolation of Smaug Trailer Gets Hobbit Fans Excited

The Hobbit Saga continues on December 13. The first trailer of The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug has just been released to start get Hobbit fans excited. The second in a trilogy of movie...

Lord of the Rings Bag End Bonsai: Not Even a Hobbit Can Live Here

The Japanese art of cultivating bonsai is an exercise in patience and effort. Bonsai enthusiast Chris Guise added a bit of geekery to the art form by making a miniature replica of Bilbo Baggin’s humble hobbit home, Bag End.

lord of the rings bag end hobbit hole bonsai by chris guise

Chris didn’t just buy a miniature tree or cut off a branch for this replica. He actually prepared the tree for two years: “Not long after I bought this tree I carved a shari down the trunk, covered the edges with cut paste and left it alone. After two years the edges had callused over nicely.” He carved out the tree a bit using a Dremel tool before placing it in the final base.

The door of the house itself is made of miniature planks of wood, while the window is made of strips of wood and black plastic. Chris used roofing tiles to make the house’s bricks, which he cemented to a plastic mesh. Then he added bonsai soil and some moss to finish the replica. All in all it took Chris over 80 hours to finish the tiny abode.

lord of the rings bag end hobbit hole bonsai by chris guise 2 300x250 lord of the rings bag end hobbit hole bonsai by chris guise 3 300x250 lord of the rings bag end hobbit hole bonsai by chris guise 4 300x250 lord of the rings bag end hobbit hole bonsai by chris guise 5 300x250 lord of the rings bag end hobbit hole bonsai by chris guise 6 300x250 lord of the rings bag end hobbit hole bonsai by chris guise 300x250

I highly recommend that you read Chris’ article on Bonsai Empire because my summary doesn’t do him justice. I left out a lot of Chris’ workflow and there are even more pictures on the original article as well.

[via Nerd Approved via Neatorama]

Guy Gets Hobbit House in His Backyard

So if you want a real Hobbit house, you could either do it yourself and live with the suckage or you could hire a real architect. Yeah, it’s best to go with someone who knows what they are doing. And architect Peter Archer definitely knows how to build a hobbit house.

hobbit housePeter was commissioned to design a 600-square-foot hobbit house in a fan’s backyard. Seems like the guy needed a place to store his 30 years worth of Tolkien merchandise. No seriously! This guy had a Hobbit house built just to store his collectibles. And to look awesome of course.

hobbit house a 1 175x175 hobbit house a 2 175x175 hobbit house a 3 175x175

It looks pretty neat and tidy for a hoarder museum. And it is right in his backyard too, so this guy can geek out whenever he wants. Check out more images at the link.

And if you don’t have the money to hire an architect, you could still always go with one of these.

[via Geekologie]

Coolest Mom Ever Creates Hobbit Doll House

Many of us read The Hobbit when we were young. Maddie Chambers is no different. She first read the J.R.R. Tolkien classic when she was 10 and then The Lord of the Rings about a year later. Since then, she has read the LOTR trilogy over 20 times. So yes, she is a true fan.
bag end

Not only that, but she’s obviously young at heart. When her twin sons were 1 year-old, she took a college course about “the importance of play”, where at the end of the term, each student was required to submit a toy. She decided to make a little hill with a front door and call it Bag End, using her Warhammer scenery components. But it just wasn’t enough and she kept making it bigger and more detailed.

bag end 1
Eventually, it turned into a complete Bag End doll house that is wonderfully detailed. Even more impressive, everything is made by hand. I wish I could live there, but I’m just too big.

hobbit house 3

Check out more pictures and complete details on the build over at Madshobbithole’s Blog.

hobbit house 2

[via Geeks Are Sexy]

Have a Happy Hobbit (and Prank-Filled) Halloween!

When The Lord of the Rings trilogy ended, I cried. Not because it was such an awesome ending, but because I no longer had any movies to look forward to – until The Hobbit was announced, that is.

A lot of folks are excited for the movie, and it shows. Heck, some of them even went to great lengths to come up with this video featuring everyone’s four favorite hobbits (that’s Sam, Frodo, Merry, and Pippin) in a Halloween adventure of their own.

Hobbit Halloween

The coolest part? The entire gang’s made up of LEGO.

In the video, Merry and Pippin are their usual naughty selves when they decide to pull a prank on Sam and Frodo. They dress up as the creepy Nazgul and manage to scare their friends off – until they find themselves face to face with Aragorn.

The mischievous duo find themselves the victim of their own prank later on when a surprise guest joins them later towards the end. I leave it up to you to find out who that ‘guest’ is, which you can easily do so by checking out the video below:

Have a Happy Hobbit Halloween!

[via Geeks Are Sexy]