LottoGopher Sets ‘Site’ on Making Californians Millionaires

Spring break and summer travel planning season is here, as throngs of people ready themselves for some well-earned, greatly needed R&R to reboot and recharge their proverbial batteries and...

PC Building Simulator Lets You Build the Virtual Gaming Rig of Your Dreams

I used to love building my own PCs back when I had the time to do it. As time has moved forward, they have become much easier to build too. I miss putting all of those components together and creating super powerful machines. Well, if you feel the same way, you are going to love PC Building Simulator

It’s a simulator where you build your own PCs and it’s pretty detailed too. You can buy components, build, benchmark, diagnose, and repair PCs while you strive to develop your own computer repair business. I’m not sure that this would be a very exciting game to the general population, but for PC builders, it looks like fun.

The game has even teamed up with real-world hardware manufacturers so the components are all based on real ones. That’s pretty damn cool. I have to admit, this game makes my inner nerd very happy. I must play it. I will play it. And I will build the biggest, baddest gaming rig in the world. Well, virtual world anyway. You can find it on Steam for just $20.

This isn’t Super Mario Bros. This is a game for a special kind of nerd – nerds like me. I’m glad it exists.

[via Geekologie]

Build a TV Christmas Ornament That Plays Classic Commercials

“Christmas is too commercial, man!” You’ve heard that phrase uttered every year, and yes, it’s true. Christmas has been commercialized and taken over by the man. So you know what? If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. You can do this by actually making a Christmas ornament that plays commercials and hang it on your tree. There. Now Christmas is too commercial! But in a good way.

This fun ornament streams ‘90s commercials from YouTube, but you could make it stream anything you want. Maybe some Christmas cartoons, or a yule log, or a Christmas music video. This DIY project is from Sean Hodgins, and if you want to try building one for yourself, the 12-minute YouTube video here will show you how to do it, step by step.

Just keep in mind that this build isn’t for everyone. You need access to a 3D printer, and you need to know how to work with circuit boards too. Find the Instructable here. If you do build one for yourself, you are going to have a very cool ornament that brings your Christmas tree into the 21st century.

[via Gizmodo via Hackaday]