Unions Get Big ObamaCare Christmas Present As Other Self-Insured Groups Get Scrooged

As a presumed constitutional scholar, Barack Obama should know that while a president has authority to check the Legislative Branch by recommending legislation to be passed by Congress, or through...

Obamacare, Doctor Shortage To Spur $2 Billion Telehealth Market

The business of treating patients via telehealth in the U.S. will dramatically increase to nearly $2 billion in revenue within five years due to a confluence of events in the health care industry...

Medicare Reports Fraud And Waste Grew In 2013 After Years Of Decline

Despite expanding its efforts to curtail fraud and waste, a Medicare internal auditor found that the agency’s fee-for-service program’s improper payments grew by almost 19 percent after years of...

Medicare is About to Undergo Changes

The President of the American Medical Association (AMA) spoke recently about the definitive Medicare payment rule that came out. He said that about a month is left before the payments of physicians...