New York Times picks an AI moderator over a Public Editor

In a surprising move, the New York Times announced to its staff on Wednesday that it will immediately eliminate the position of Public Editor at its publication. The role will instead be filled by an expanded comments section -- one that is moderated...

Scribd’s all-you-can read service adds major newspaper articles

Scribd's transformation into an all-you-can-read subscription-based service hasn't always been smooth-sailing, but it's truly moving farther away from its PDF roots. The company has just announced that it's teaming up with its first newspaper partner...

The Engadget Podcast Ep 31: Look Inside America

On this episode a trio of out-of-towners -- managing editor James Trew, senior editor Aaron Souppouris and senior editor Mat Smith -- join host Terrence O'Brien to talk about the latest tech news. First they'll discuss Consumer Reports decision to st...

How artificial intelligence can be corrupted to repress free speech

The internet was supposed to become an overwhelming democratizing force against illiberal administrations. It didn't. It was supposed to open repressed citizens eyes, expose them to new democratic ideals and help them rise up against their authoritar...

ICYMI: Mobility scooters that autonomously get around

Today on In Case You Missed It: MIT's Computer Science and AI Lab have cooked up another autonomously driving vehicle, but this one is a disability scooter. In this newly posted video, you can watch as the scooter navigates around human obstacles...