Want To Pick Your Own Food In The City?

Apple TreeFor some people food can be a scarce commodity. Yet even in the cities there is food all around us that goes uneaten every year. A new website called Falling Fruits has been set up to help map the places where these foods are in public places and can be legally picked and consumed. It started out as a venture by Ethan Welty, a University of Colorado graduate student, to keep track of these foods for locals in Boulder, Colorado, and is now worldwide.

Having A Bad Day? Find A Stranger To Cuddle With Cuddlr App

Cuddling is good for your health, and now you can do it with strangers with new app for iPhone, Cuddlr. It's intended to connect you with consenting adults for safe, fun, non sexual snuggling. There is some logic behind it: cuddling has been said to release Oxytocin, the hormone that helps people with autism and schizophrenia overcome social deficits.

GlobeIn Brings Artisans From All Over The World To Your Fingertips

GlobeInWhat do you get when you combine the homemade selling power of Etsy and the global small-business support of Kiva? Sprinkle in a little bit of Deepak Chopra and a subscription box similar to Birchbox and you're left with the iOS app, GlobeIn. At its core, GlobeIn is a very human driven app lets you purchase handmade items from artisans in developing countries.

‘Internet Of Everything’ Pits Home Depot Against Lowe’s

'Internet Of Everything' Pits Home Depot Against Lowe's The DIY (do-it-yourself) trend is still thriving, as the two largest home-improvement franchises -- Home Depot and Lowe's -- go toe-to-toe (or should we say tool-to-tool) in competing for a large demographic of consumers - namely the self-made 'handyman.' Of recent date, however, another market of interest has emerged that both of these large chains find just as appealing, namely the opportunity to tap into the burgeoning IoE . . .

Want This New Invention? A Never Ending Slinky

Never Ending Slinky MachineIt seems that just about everyone in the United States has owned a Slinky at one time or another. The mesmerizing toy has been around for decades and has entertained generations of young and the young at heart. The main problem with the Slinky was finding a staircase long enough to really be able to indulge in watching the metal spring "walk" its way downstairs. One company is seeking funding on Kickstarter to sell "A Never-Ending Slinky Machine" to keep those springs walking.

Shapify Turns You And Your Family Into 3D Selfies

Shapify FigurinesI used to scrapbook—yes, I used to take the time to shape photos and place them over decorative and themed backgrounds and then write paragraphs of descriptions on each page. That was well before I had children, when I had time to print pictures and when I had time to sit and look at them. Since photography has gone digital, my hope has been to compile photo books for each year’s worth of photos, but I’m seven years behind schedule. And apparently not up to speed with a new form of capturing life’s moments. Shapify allows you to create three dimensional figurines of you and your family. Now you can turn yourself into an actual 3D selfie.

Motion Analysis App, Spark Motion, Will Help You Improve Athletic Technique

Spark Motion AppTechnique. Technique. Technique. It is so important in any sport or athletic event. Coaches constantly emphasize it and teach athletes how to improve it, and there is no better way to improve technique than to break it down with motion analysis. Spark Motion does just that.

Despite Doomed Predictions, Facebook Is Not Dying Out – It Just Has Google-Like Aspirations

Facebook LogoEvery time Facebook acquires a new app or drops billions of dollars on someone else's work, the internet becomes abuzz with criticisms, claiming that these moves are a harbinger of the end for the billion-dollar company.  However, the cunning Mark Zuckerberg actually has been planning his next move with these new toys all along; something that goes beyond that big blue social giant that propelled him to success.