Giant Octopus Kite Flies over Singapore

Here’s something that’s truly amazing and hypnotizing to watch. Kite fanatic Erich Chew captured this footage of a massive octopus swimming through the air at the Marina Barrage in Singapore earlier this month. Either that, or it’s a drill from Cthulhu and his minions finally attack our reality.

octopus_1zoom in

The way those tentacles dance in the air is so majestic and soothing that I could watch this all day long. It looks like the sky has become the sea.

This was a special occasion, but if you see this sort of thing elsewhere, it probably means the end for all of us, as it starts picking humans up with it’s tentacles and knocking buildings down. Beware of giant octopi in the sky!

[via The Awesomer via Laughing Squid]

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