Got a 3D Printer? Print This Tiny Atari 2600 and NES

A few years back, I posted a tiny papercraft model of the Nintendo DS Lite that was a big hit. A bit later, I found some teensy paper models of other gadgets and video game consoles. Paper. Isn’t that cute? Today’s geeks skip all the glue, X-Acto nicks and tape mess and go right for 3D printing instead.

tiny atari 2600

Thanks to Dave Nunez, you can print out your own Atari 2600 and NES consoles. The models are just big enough to fit in the palm of your hand. The buttons and switches aren’t perfectly to scale, they’ve been exaggerated a bit to capture the spirit of the original consoles – in miniature.

tiny nes

You can grab the digital files for the tiny Atari 2600 and NES over at Thingiverse. I figure while you wait for the 3D printer to output your models, you’ll figure out a way to cram a tiny computer inside of these so they’re actually playable.

[via it8bit]

Emulator Cabinet Works with 75 Controllers, 30+ Consoles and 2 Happy Players

These days you can run dozens of classic games on a PC using emulators. If you’re good with modding hardware, you may be able to connect the right controller for the console you’re emulating. But if you’re Patrice Daubaire, you take it one step further. Patrice hacked 75 controllers to make them compatible with over 110 gaming systems.

mvgs 2 multi video game system 2 dream station by Patrice Daubaire

Patrice calls his ingenious mod the Multi Video Game System 2 or MVGS 2. He managed to universalize 75 controllers – from an Atari 2600 joystick to aPlayStation controller – so that they’ll work with different gaming systems via a custom VGA adapter. Patrice claims his system has zero input lag and that the controllers weigh more or less the same as unmodified ones. Patrice was also able to add additional functions like a quick save button on some of the controllers.

mvgs 2 multi video game system 2 dream station by Patrice Daubaire 2

To present his invention, Patrice built the MVGS 2 Dream Station, a PC with over 30 gaming system emulators. It has a nice cabinet with a built-in monitor and lets up to two players geek out. He also setup a rotating display stand for the controllers.

Pick your jaw up from the floor and head to the MVGS 2 website for more information.

[via Hack A Day]

Atari 2600 + Wall-E = Atar-E

Technabob contributing author Conner Flynn has a hidden talent – and I’m not talking about walking and chewing gum at the same time. The man knows his way around an Atari 2600 like it’s nobody’s business. Now it’s been a while since he built his epic Atari 2600 guitar, but his latest mod looks like it was worth the wait… I give you Atar-E…

atar e wall e atari 2600 1

Conner found this Wall-E Learning Laptop at a thrift shop, but he didn’t see a laptop at all (neither do I). Instead, he saw the home for his next portable Atari 2600 mod. Inspired by the modding prowess of Ben Heck and Bacteria, he tore apart the Wall-E toy and gutted it.

atar e wall e atari 2600 4

His design incorporates an actual Atari 2600 circuit board, along with authentic Atari woodgrain pieces. He went off the board with the controller and used an NES D-Pad instead of a traditional Atari joystick. Isn’t that sacrilege? Dogs and Cats sleeping together!

atar e wall e atari 2600 3

The controller replaced the original keyboard found on the toy, and he even rigged it so the controller section can still fold shut when there’s no cartridge in place. One thing Conner struggled with was where to put a battery pack for the system, so he gave Wall-E a little backpack. Isn’t that cute?

atar e wall e atari 2600 3a

Games are displayed on a tiny color LCD screen, mounted where the monochrome display on the original toy was located. On the one hand, you’ll have to squint a bit to play on this thing, on the other hand, the pixelated 8-bit graphics look so much better when they’re shrunk down like this.

atar e wall e atari 2600 2

While it would probably take you a ton of work to try and build one of these for yourself, Conner says he may soon list it for sale over on his online toy store over at Botropolis, so keep your eyes peeled. On second thought, peeled eyes sound like a really bad idea.

[via Botropolis]

Princess Rescue for the Atari 2600: Sorry Mario, But Our Princess is in Another Console

Demakes are one of the ways that creative gamers to express their nostalgia for the games they grew up with. Though I must say, I never expected I’d see a demake of the already ancient Super Mario Bros. It’s called Princess Rescue, a Mario clone for the Atari 2600.

princess rescue atari 2600 mario clone by chris spry

Animator Chris Spry is Princess Rescue’s Miyamoto. In an interview with Wired, Spry said that he was inspired by an Atari 2600 demake of Mega Man. With the help of a programming software called Batari BASIC and just 32 kilobytes of memory, Spry was able to make 16 levels worth of homage to one of the most beloved games of all time.

Mario’s Princess Rescuer’s stomach is a black hole! As with Ed Fries’ Halo 2600, Spry partnered with Atari Age for a proper release of his game, cartridge and all.

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You can order Princess Rescue from Atari Age for $30 (USD). It already has two favorable reviews! I highly recommend you read Wired’s article on the game as well; it has a shot of a portable Atari 2600 that Spry made for himself.

[via Wired]

Atari World Combines 8-Bit and Real Life

When I was growing up, the Atari 2600 was a staple in family rooms everywhere. But despite the countless hours of entertainment these gaming systems provided, there’s no question they had primitive graphics. Imagine though if the Atari 2600 could have had real-world backgrounds for its games. It might look something like this…

atari world 1

For his Atari World series, digital artist Carlos Pérez combined idyllic real-world scenes with the rudimentary pixel graphics from an Atari 2600. The end result is both surreal and beautiful.

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It would be cool if somebody went back and remade classic Atari 2600 games with these backgrounds. While their gameplay still might lack depth, they’d certainly be a feast for they eyes.

[via it8bit]

Atari’s E.T. Landfill to Be Exhumed

You’ve heard the stories about Atari suffering such poor sales with the E.T. game for the Atari 2600 that they were forced to dump millions of copies into a landfill somewhere. Is it true? There seems to be some debate over this. Is it an urban myth, or not? Now a documentary film crew wants to settle it once and for all.


They’ve been given permission by the Alamogordo, New Mexico city council to excavate the landfill believed to be E.T.’s final resting place. No one seems to know for sure if this tale is even accurate, however, both The New York Times and the local paper The Alamogordo Daily ran stories about Atari dumping back in 1983 when it allegedly happened. The article in The New York Times claims that 14 truckloads of games went in along with other Atari hardware. Ars Technica says that number varies anywhere from nine to twenty depending on the source.

The crew will excavate the site within the next six months. Then we will find out how many E.T. cartridges are in there, if any, and what other treasures they dumped.

[via Ars Technica via Geekosystem]

Halo Game for the Atari 2600 Released in Cartridge Form: Combat Devolved

Back in 2010, Ed Fries – former Vice-President of Game Publishing in Microsoft and one of the co-creators of the Xbox – created a “demake” of Halo for the Atari 2600 called Halo 2600 (Fries also talked about how the project came about on the linked page). Previously Halo 2600 was playable on PCs using an emulator or via its Flash port, but now the game is out as a legit Atari 2600 cartridge.

halo 2600 atari game cartridge by ed fries and atari age

Here’s some gameplay footage of Halo 2600 courtesy of YouTuber dsdude1107:

Atari Age worked with Fries to release a cartridge version of the game. The first batch of cartridges were sold in a limited run in 2010, but they seem to be back in stock. You can order them from Atari Age for $50 (USD) each.

halo 2600 atari game cartridge by ed fries and atari age 2 300x250 halo 2600 atari game cartridge by ed fries and atari age 3 300x250 halo 2600 atari game cartridge by ed fries and atari age 4 300x250 halo 2600 atari game cartridge by ed fries and atari age 5 300x250

That’s pretty expensive, but at least each cartridge comes with a glossy label, a box and even a full color 8-page manual, all of which feature art that are waaaay better than how the game itself looks. Seriously kids, if you think the videogame trailers are misleading, imagine the crushing disappointment some of us suffered back in the day.

[via Retro Treasures]

Atari 2600 Portable With Wood Casing


Knock on wood, but just not too hard on this groovy Atari 2600 portable.

Atari is long dead, well until more recently officially so due to its Chapter 11 bankruptcy filing, but its numerous ardent fans growing up playing Breakout and Pitfall proudly live on and do so by making the ...
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Classic Atari 2600 Comes Back To Life As iPhone Speaker Dock


An Atari doesn’t have to be a thing of the past anymore. Not even retro cool, just straight up useful in our everyday lives, in the form of an iPhone speaker dock. Now, doesn’t that sound like a plan?

A broken Atari 2600 console has found new life thanks to the ...
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