The PurePort is a hygienic cleaning tool for your smartphone’s crevasses

You’ve got clippers for your nails, earbuds for your ears, pluckers for your eyebrows, and charcoal masks for your pores… but what about your phone? What about when you need to clean and maintain those ridiculously tiny speaker and microphone holes, or that charging port that is surely getting filled with lint from your pockets? Yeah, you use a safety pin or a paper clip, don’t you, you savage!

I’ll confess, I’ve dug out lint from my charging port with a safety pin too. That’s probably because I had no idea something as specific as the PurePort existed in the first place. Built explicitly for cleaning your ports, jacks, and cables to prolong their life, PurePort is a multitool (and also a fidget spinner) that comes with all the tools you need to keep your device… um, well groomed, shall I say.

Any dust, dirt, or lint in your ports can make effectively connecting your charging cable rather difficult, but more than that, it can damage your cables as well as your phone. Lint can cause electric arcing which can damage your phone’s or cable’s connector pins by causing them to blacken through oxidation. PurePort’s set of tools helps clean out your port without damaging any circuitry the way a sharp metal object like a safety pin would. It comes with a set of brushes designed to scrub any dirt or lint out of the port, while smaller tools make it effective to reach those difficult spots too, helping you clean your speaker grill, microphone, and even earpiece. PurePort even helps you maintain cables by scrubbing the black oxide layer off your lightning connector. An abrasive head allows you to buff the oxide right off, making those cables last longer than they would have, because nobody’s got time to buy a new $999 phone or shell out 20 bucks every time your cable stops working properly… right?

Designer: Kate Swinnerton

The eco-friendly Cleanyst lets you make your shampoos and shower-creams at home

Roughly 80% of the shampoo, shower gel, handwash, liquid detergent, dishwashing liquid you buy is just plain water. Imagine paying money to have 80% water and 20% chemicals shipped to you from various parts of the country. Sounds counterproductive, right? Cleanyst tries to hack that system. Practically a Nespresso-esque device for all your household liquids, Cleanyst lets you produce your own shampoos, detergents, handwashes, and conditioners at home. The necessary chemicals (usually combination of alkalis, foaming agents, disinfectants, and oils or glycerin) get shipped to you in a slim bag that you load into the Cleanyst, and the machine’s interface lets you choose what you want to concoct. Cleanyst comes with a reusable bottle that eliminates your need to buy new shampoo bottles or detergent jugs everytime, and the appliance mixes together your liquid right into the bottle, making it ready for you to use.

Cleanyst is a part of a recent movement to eliminate single-use plastics. Millions of cosmetic and self-care bottles are thrown into landfills after their contents are emptied out, and Cleanyst believes the solution is to bring the power of production into homes. It also aims at cutting the carbon footprint of shipping billions of bottles that contain more than two-thirds water.

Cleanyst’s modus operandi is simple. The device costs $99, and Cleanyst ships a variety of pre-mix sachets to the users. The user loads the sachet into the appliance, plugging Cleanyst’s bottle at the base, and loading the machine with your own tap water. Cleanyst’s simple UI guides users through the production process and voila, in a matter of minutes, the bottle is filled with the liquid cleaner of your choice. Cleanyst even lets you add essential oils to the mixture to create special blends, so you can easily make yourself a lemon-scented dish cleaner, or a lavender handwash. Cleanyst’s solvents are natural and plant-based, making them milder and easier on your skin, but just as effective on dirt and grime.

Referred to as the Sodastream of cleaning liquids, Cleanyst currently lets you produce personal-care items like shampoos, conditioners, hand soaps and body washes, and home-care solutions like dish soaps, detergents, fabric softeners, glass cleaners, and tub/tile cleaners. The device analyzes the solvent and heats the tap water to the right temperature, and the solution is prepared right in the bottle, as a propeller spins to mix the liquids together to form the end-product. The bottle, although made of plastic, can be reused multiple times, and Cleanyst even has a system in place for recycling those sachets it sells to you. At the end of the day, Cleanyst has you reassured that you’re not adding more plastic to the environment’s waste, and also gives you the added benefit of saving a good deal of money by brewing your own cleaning liquids at home!

Designer: Cleanyst

What it takes to make the greatest vacuum cleaner

If there were a category for the greatest vacuum in the world, I’m assuming it would have a few hallmarks to say the least. The vacuum must be powerful, no doubt… but it must also be lightweight, easy to use, even easier to maneuver, adjustable for various scenarios and heights, come with the ability to be used in various scenarios, and obviously… be cordless.

The FX9, debuted at AEG’s showcase at IFA Berlin 2018 isn’t just functional. It’s functionally superior. Designed to be cordless, the vacuum comes with enough battery power to clean your entire home on a single charge. Its lightweight design allows it to be easily maneuvered around the house, and the adjustable handle allows just about everyone to use it. Aside from the height-adjusting handle, the FX9 even lets you height-adjust its main motor. Doing this allows you to shift the center of gravity of the appliance as a whole, letting you maneuver the vacuum cleaner without straining your wrist, and even hold it up vertically to clean ceilings with relative ease.

The FX9 comes with a self-standing design that can stay vertically upright on its own (perfect for when you want to leave your vacuum cleaner for attending to a short task). When powered on, the FX9 lights up at its base, letting you vacuum clean even in low-light conditions, and its flexible base easily maneuvers across floors, under furniture, and on carpets. An extendable arm lets you pull the vacuum-head out and use it on places like book-shelves too, while its own set of attachments lets you clean anything from ceilings to behind the fridge (it comes with a 3-in-1 attachment that I was absolutely ‘floored’ by). A docking station allows the FX9 to charge while not in use.

The FX9 quite literally solves every problem in its brief (and without creating new ones). Designed to be more powerful and versatile than other cordless vacuums in its category, the FX9 was made for not just all homes, but for all people too. Its height-adjusting design, and CG-shifting mechanism is the result of sincere problem-solving merged with perfectionist German engineering!

Designer: AEG











The easiest, safest way to wash and clean knives


The challenge with washing a knife is cleaning the blade without cutting anything. I’ve spoiled a hundred sponges and scouring pads trying to scrub a knife blade only to have the blade actually slice across the sponge, leaving a cut in it. Within twenty washes, your sponge is a fine shredded mince.

Joseph Joseph’s BladeBrush tackles the problem with the company’s signature innovative style. The U-shaped brush comes with bristles on both ends, strong enough to scrub any grime off the blade, even getting in between serrations. The bristles make a perfect choice not only because they do a remarkable job cleaning the blade, but also because the blade doesn’t really slice through them, since they flex. The BladeBrush works perfectly with any sort of blade and even with cutlery, making the cleaning process easier… and it keeps your hands clean too, since you’re holding a textured rubber grip around a plastic frame, and not a soapy sponge!

Designer: Joseph Joseph

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This Vacuum Sucks


In the best way! Unless you live in a roundhouse, those generic circular vacuums aren’t going to get your nooks and crannies. Mathieu Servais’ Future Robot Cleaner is smaller, just as powerful and loaded with smart features to ensure it’s cleaning up after you instead of the other way around. Using actual cameras, it visualizes and records the unique intricacies of your interior layout to navigate and actually avoid areas that have already been vacuumed. Better yet, if you do catch it cleaning a wrong area or want to give it directions, you can speak directly to it or control it via your smartphone.

Designer: Mathieu Servais









