Quarantine Work Pods Keep Your Air in There

For many of us, working from home is the best option for getting things done while preventing the spread of COVID-19 and other nasty bugs in the workplace. But not all jobs can be performed off-site, and sometimes in-person collaboration is required. Recently, an architect came up with an innovative replacement for the standard office cubicle that could allow for offices to reopen without as much distance between its workers.

Known as the “Q.workntine” system, these hexagonal pods are not only more space efficient than ordinary cubicles, they each feature their own private air circulation and ventilation system, reducing the likelihood of people contaminating each other. They’d be constructed from non-pourous materials, making them easy to clean and disinfect as well.

Architect and designer Mohamed Radwan envisions individual pods, each with an airtight acrylic door and skylight to let light in, along with a custom-made angled desk to maximize workspace. Ventilation fans would sit atop each unit, circulating fresh air and filtering out germs. The design also means greater privacy and a quieter work environment than cubicles normally provide.

The concept won the DNA Paris 2020 Design Award in the Responsible Design category for its innovative approach to a very timely and relevant problem. In addition to the standard hex-shaped pods, Q.workntine spaces could be configured into squared off end units and oblong units for larger spaces – though the idea of having a seating area inside for multiple people sort of defeats the purpose.

Personally, I’m still a fan of telecommuting whenever it’s humanly possible, but in the cases where a company must have employees on site, I could see this kind of system being beneficial to productivity and health. What do you think? Would you feel claustrophobic sealed in your own little work pod?

[via Yanko Design]

Your Office Space Doesn’t Have to Suck


Cubicles and corporate furniture have earned a bad rap as uninspired, sterile environments where creativity goes to die. While it’s mostly true, the KINNEY and COCO concepts by L.A.-based MASHstudios are proof otherwise.

The KINNEY wall system comes in a variety of shapes to create dynamic spaces while absorbing sound for privacy with its wool, felt materials. The sectioning units come in a variety of unordinary sizes, shapes and honest materials, giving otherwise ordinary offices dimension and texture.

The COCO desk caters to convenience with 6 electrical outlets, a Qi wireless station, and a pin-able surface. Better yet, its two-in-one design makes it possible to transition between a sitting and standing desk in seconds.

Designer: MASHstudios


Nuka Cola Mini Fridge Keeps Soda Cool in Your Office Wasteland

In a way, your cubicle or office is sort of like your own Fallout settlement. The biggest difference is that supermutants won’t come eat your coworkers, and there aren’t idiot NPCs banging on random stuff with hammers around the office. At least not at my office. You can have your own Nuka Cola machine though, and unlike the game’s machines, this one actually works.

It looks like a tiny version of the machines seen around the wasteland, and inside it can hold up to 12 cans of your favorite soft drink. If you have a lax office environment, you could even keep beer inside.

The fridge measures 22″ x 9″ x 10.5″ on the outside and has a 60″ long cord. It can’t go flat against a wall, as it needs some space for air circulation. You can order one with your Christmas loot from ThinkGeek for $149.99(USD).

Portable Privacy

Some people are compulsive shushers. Yes. Shushers. People who are constantly shushing other people who are just trying to live a little. The iBooth is the perfect little cubicle/enclosure to shut out the aforementioned shushers. With its minimally classy design, you won’t look like an ostrich with its head in the sand, and with its soundproof panels, compulsive shushers won’t feel the need to constantly be the buzzkills they usually are.

If only this comfortable little thing came with a pillow!

Designer: o4i Design Studio

Author: Sarang Sheth

Yanko Design
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(Portable Privacy was originally posted on Yanko Design)

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Cubicle Contents Transformed into LEGO by Pranksters

If you work in a cubicle with a bunch of other geeks, you probably get up to some shenanigans to keep yourselves sane. One guy recently went on a vacation for a week leaving his cubicle unprotected. His coworkers decided to prank him by removing and replacing the contents of his office.

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It appears the coworkers removed everything from the cubicle including the guy’s phone, monitor, and even his peanut butter. The real objects were replaced with a sort of impressionist copy made from LEGO.

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I particularly like the LEGO recreation of the peanut butter jar. The monitor and phone are also very realistic. I think these people must not have enough work to do if they have time to get up to pranks this time consuming. Still, I applaud them.

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[via Reddit]

LED Light-up Newton’s Cradle: Clickity-Clackity-Blinkity

I always loved playing with those Newton’s Cradle kinetic motion things when I was a kid. But other than being tested by the Mythbusters in a giant-size version, the classic metal desk toy hasn’t changed much over the years. Until now.

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What you’re looking at is a new version of the Newton’s Cradle, upgraded with colorful LEDs. What’s cool is the orbs don’t just light up, they detect when they’re clacking against others and change colors when they hit. It’s even more mesmerizing than the original. Here, check it out…

You can choose from three different color modes – one which flashes on impact, another that fades, and yet another that cycles colors through the spheres. Back when I had a “real job” with a proper office, people would come into my office to chat, and I’m sure that they would have sat there and played with this thing for hours. Thank goodness I work from home now, and don’t have to worry about anyone but me (or the cat) playing with it incessantly. I suppose that could still be a problem.

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Priced at $49.99(USD), the Kinetic Light Newton’s Cradle is a bit pricey, but it’s too neat to ignore. It’s available over at ThinkGeek now.

USB-powered BB Sniper Rifle: USBB Gun

If you need a new weapon for your desk and fancy yourself a sniper, this USB powered BB gun should do the trick. Shoot your co-workers and make a nuisance of yourself all day long.

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This USB-powered gun is made to fire BBs, but that’s not all. It also has an onboard camera above the barrel so you can use your computer screen as viewfinder. The barrel can be rotated 120 degrees horizontally, and has a 35 degree vertical range of motion. How cool is that? This sniper rifle will fire BBs at a 30m/s velocity and has about an 8m range. I’m not sure how hard that is, but it probably doesn’t feel too good to get hit with one.

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Pew pew pew all day long. It is a great way to kill some time at work while pretending you are a sniper. It sells for ¥9,999 (~$101 USD) over at Shanghai Donya – which is an odd name for a store located in Japan.

[via Everything USB]

Guy Turns His Cubicle into a Castle, Learns the Princess is in Another One

You can still feel like King of your castle, even when you’re stuck at work. Just do what this guy did, who turned his office cubicle into a castle. All it took was a little cardboard, a Sharpie or two, and some creativity.
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It has everything a modern cubicle castle needs. There’s the DirectTV Genie girl, who I guess represents the Princess he wishes he had, a blimp and even a drawbridge that is guarded by a paper shredder. Though the door appears large enough to only admit someone the size of Tyrion Lannister.

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It even has a little window so that he can look out upon his kingdom when not working. All it needs is a moat, and he’ll be all set.

[via Obvious Winner]