PS4 takes the lead in sales in Q1 2014 in the US

It was only for a short while that Microsoft enjoyed the leading position in the US next gen console sales and this little victory was rather short lived and this bad news came with the month of...

Game industry report shows revenues down 25% compared to 2013

NPD is a research company that tracks all sorts of markets in the technology realm. One of the markets it tracks is the video game hardware and software market. NPD has issued a report looking at the...

Microsoft pays Machinima partners to mention Xbox One on Video

A report has surfaced today that claims Microsoft has done something that seems a bit shady. The report claims that Microsoft is paying Machinima video partners to post videos on YouTube that mention...

Xbox One #1 Console In US For December, Outselling PS4

The NPD report for December is in. It was a good holiday season for all involved — and a very good one for Microsoft. The Xbox One and Xbox 360 were the best selling consoles in each of their...

Rockstar Promises Swift Justice For GTA Online Cheaters

Some of the players in Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto Online, the multiplayer component of GTA 5, have pulled off an impressive heist. Unfortunately, it’s not the kind of heist that developer Rockstar...

GameStop Crashes After Surprise Fall In Holiday Video Game Sales

GameStop shares fell over 18% on Tuesday morning after the company announced “greater than expected decline” in video game sales over the holidays. Blaming it on the gaming transition to next...

Microsoft Reveals 3 Million Xbox One Sales In 2013

It’s been a little while since we’ve gotten any further numbers from the great console sales race of 2013, and now as CES kicks off, Microsoft has given us an update. In a blog post from Yusuf Mehdi...

Cyber Monday 2013 Video Game Deals Will End

Cyber Monday 2013 is about to end. We navigate you through the deal jungle and in this report we feature the best Cyber Monday video game deals. Surprisingly there are Xbox One Cyber Monday console...

Lindsay Lohan found herself in GTA V

Lindsay Lohan is according to TMZ preparing to sue Rockstar Games for using her image without permission in Grand Theft Auto V. One of the female characters in the game and featured on the cover...