USC will publish its students’ games on PlayStation and Xbox

The premise of college is that it's going to prepare you with what you need to survive in a real-world work environment, but whether or not it fulfills that is another matter altogether. To that end, the University of Southern California has launched...

Video game tie-ins shouldn’t feel ‘cheap’

It used to be that if you loved a video game, your options for showing it beyond buying the cartridge or disc were pretty limited. Now there's a whole cottage industry for gaming fandom. Want a rad vinyl soundtrack for a hyper-violent indie game? Say...

Journey Scarf: thatwinterfabric

If you have a PS3 or PS4, you owe it to yourself play Journey. If you’ve already played the game, you might want to keep your memories of it alive with this officially licensed Journey scarf. It’s 88″ long and 7.5″ wide. Yeah that length is fixed, but with a bit of modding you can at least make it glow.

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You can get the scarf from the PlayStation Gear store for $30 (USD). Unfortunately the scarf is available only for residents of the US or Canada.

[via Polygon]

‘Uncharted’ borrows from cinema to sidestep clunky game design

Developer Naughty Dog's games have always had a flair for the cinematic and that's due in large part to their presentation. The studio takes a minimalistic approach to how it delivers information to the player, eschewing ugly on-screen means of dir...

Cook & Becker Next-Gen Art Dealers: Double Fine Art

There are hundreds if not thousands of stores and galleries that host fan art. But if you’re looking for prints of official video game art and concept art Cook & Becker should be on your list of stores to visit.

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Cook & Becker collaborates with artists, developers and studios that own the rights to the art so that it can make them available as prints at reasonable prices. Although the store is focused in official video game art (at least at the moment), it hosts original digital art as well.

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Clear some space on your walls and head to Cook & Becker to browse its collection.

[via DualShockers]

Sweded Video Game T-shirts: Concept Farts

Here’s a fun idea for a gamer gift. Several NeoGAF forum members, egged on by member dog$, made custom video game-themed t-shirt designs that are funny, witty and most of all, ugly. The t-shirts are based on a custom clothing shop called CustomInk, which has an online T-shirt design tool. The rule of the thread? Only use CustomInk’s stock art for your design. Here’s one of dog$’ mighty contributions:

customink video game t shirt by dogsmagnify

That of course, is based on the trailer for Final Fantasy XV. Here’s another complex design, from AlexMeloche:

customink video game t shirt by alexmelochemagnify

Others used in-game references to amp up the humor, such as this one by Amorbis:

customink video game t shirt by amorbismagnify

Some poked fun at video game controversies or glitches, such as this one by Webhead:

customink video game t shirt by webheadmagnify

Some like DryvBy went way back for their references:

customink video game t shirt by dryvbymagnify

And then there’s BurritoBushido:

customink video game t shirt by burritobushidomagnify

There are a couple of truly cool ones though, like this one by ichtyander:

customink video game t shirt by ichtyandermagnify

…and this one by Funky Functionality:

customink video game t shirt by Funky Functionalitymagnify

Here’s mine. It’s nowhere near as good as the NeoGAF ones though. #BrokenLords #DustRulesEverythingAroundMe.

customink video t shirt endless legendmagnify

Set aside an hour of your life and give it a shot on CustomInk’s website. You can also browse NeoGAF for more inspiration.

[via Polygon]